Thursday, February 13, 2020

Staffing Strategy for a New Plant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Staffing Strategy for a New Plant - Essay Example In the same way, the high population will act as a major source of labor that is essential in the production facilities of the company. One of the major advantages of Minneapolis is the advanced education system that has resulted to high number of skilled human resource. For example, University of Minnesota, one of the major higher institutions of learning in the region produces high number of graduates that will play a major role of providing key staff including the plant manager, product designers, assemblers and warehouse workers. Based on the high initial capital of establishing the new plant, Household Consumer Enterprises should ensure that the plant manager come from inside the current managerial ranks. In this way, the company will not incur high costs in terms of the high salaries that an external manager will demand. In the same way, since the company aims at producing closely related products, an internal manager has adequate knowhow on the challenges faced by the products in the market. In this regard, an internal manager will adequately drive the new plant towards attaining its initial goals as soon as he gets into the office. During the hiring process, staffing should be based on both the person/job match and person/organisation match. In reference to the person/job match, the company will look for potential employees who have adequate knowledge especially to deal with the production and designing of the household products produced by the company. As a result of hiring skilled employees, the level of motivation among the workers will be increased leading to a higher productivity. In the same way, Household Consumer Enterprises should ensure that a person-organisation match is maintained during the hiring process. In addition to flexible benefits and sustainable salaries, Carless (2005) notes that employees are attracted to the firms that offer ideas of authority, leadership and social relationships. In this regard, it is vital for

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Essay

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example According to the research findings, business ethics is based on moral behavior and aims at conducting business activities in a just and fair manner. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the duty or obligation of a company towards the people, societies, communities, and environment that may be affected by the activities of the business. For example, reducing the environmental impacts of the operations of a business is one common aim of the business, especially in cases of companies whose operations affect the environment in a hazardous way like the automobile companies. In short, both terms are based on the social concepts of morality and responsibility. Business ethics involve the application of moral and ethical values in a business and CSR is extended form of business ethics in which these values are expressed and embedded in the organization through programmes and policies involving the stakeholder groups. CSR involves conducting ethical activities and business ethics involves conducting activities ethically. So, the underlying essence of the two remains similar. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a term related to the social responsibilities that a company has towards the community in which it operates. In contrast, business ethics is based on the factor of conscience. Business ethics is related to morality and differentiating between right and wrong and conducting the business operations by focusing on the rights and avoiding the wrongs. Using ethics in business implies that the company is obliged to set business policies, rules and conduct its activities in a just and right manner so that the activities of the company le ad to the good of every entity which is, directly and indirectly, related to the business. These entities include all the internal and external stakeholder groups of the company and the society as a whole. Business ethics, in the modern business environment, has emerged as a preliminary necessity that should be taken up by every company, irrespective of the industry or its level of operation in order to conduct its business in a legally and socially compliant manner. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), on the other hand, is the additional responsibilities that a business should take up in order to create sustainability and a positive brand image for itself.