Monday, December 30, 2019

A National Health Crisis Obesity - 852 Words

A National Health Crisis: Obesity It is no secret that the food industry in the United States has many flaws and problems that need to be addressed. Among the worst offenders is the obesity problem that the American public faces due to our highly processed food industry. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately seventeen percent of children 2 – 19 years of age have obesity (â€Å"Childhood Obesity Facts†). This statistic gets worse as you look at the adult population of which about thirty five percent are considered obese (â€Å"Adult Obesity Facts†). While you may not be obese yourself, the obesity problem does affect everyone. In a research paper published by the Department of Health Policy at George Washington University, the average obese individual costs society an estimated $7000 a year or more due to lost productivity and an increase in medical needs. The paper notes that not only is obesity costing tax paying citizens mo re money, it also costs the obese individuals more money. Over the course of a lifetime, an obese person spends approximately $30,000 more than an average weight person in personal medical costs (Dor, A., et al.). Obesity and obesity related health issues are also responsible for an estimated 112,000 excess deaths a year (Flegal, Katherine M., et al.) One may blame the food industry as a whole as a problem contributing to obesity, and they would not be wrong. However, the main reason for the increase in obesity was theShow MoreRelatedObesity Epidemic in the United Kingdom698 Words   |  3 Pages A recent study considered the framing of the obesity epidemic in UK newspapers from 1996 to 2010. It claims that during this fifteen year period there was an increase in media reporting on obesity. These figures may reflect the claims that obesity was on the increase during this period. However, an article in the Sociolgical Forum suggests that â€Å"Journalists sensationalise what th ey report on by using certain themes, language or metaphors to attract public attention† (Saguy Almeling, 2008,Read MoreObesity : A Controversial And Big Medical Issue Within Today s Society991 Words   |  4 PagesCentral Idea: Obesity has become a controversial and big medical issue within today’s society. (Attention Getter): Take a look around you the next time you go to the store, to the mall, the movies, or anywhere that you go. What you will see is what has apparently become the new trend among children and adults. What you will see has become a big problem and it will continue to grow each year. Is obesity the fastest growing condition in the United States. Read MoreObesity : The Fight Against Obesity1425 Words   |  6 PagesOBESITY ENG 122 English Composition II Eunice Williams Ashford University Instructor: Matthew Fox October 6, 2014 While for many feel that obesity is a personal and must be fought in secret with no involvement of anyone else, many will disagree with that because obesity affects every tax payer and impair a community as a whole. Obesity is a big problem here in my America and it has to be a matter of public discussion. This fight can be done through a lot of places, churches, physicianRead MoreThe Effects Of Obesity On American Adults And Children1213 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effects of Obesity Obesity is on the rise in American adults and children. Over 78.6 million Americans are considered obese (CDC, 2014). Health experts believe the obesity crisis has become an epidemic that needs to be controlled. 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Analyze the obesity problem in the U.S. as compare to another developed country in which the obesity problem is not as significant. Include factors such as, age, gender, race socioeconomic status, and marital status in your analysis. Hypothesize the reason why the rate of obesity is higher in the U.S. than the other country. Estimates related to the frequency and time tendencies of obesity within the US have been according to information coming from the Nationwide Health and Nutrition EvaluationRead MoreThe Health Problem Of Obesity Essay1027 Words   |  5 PagesObesity is perhaps the most concerning health problem our nation faces today. With national obesity rates nearing 38% for adults, we are eating ourselves into an early grave, and we are doing it in massive numbers. (State of Obesity). The National Institute of Health categorizes anyone with a body mass index between 25 and 29 as overweight, and one of 30 or higher as obese. (textbook). Being in this weight category brings along a multiplicity of health issues, both physical and mental. An increasedRead MoreEssay on American Obesity1424 Words   |  6 Pagesthe U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), â€Å"about one-third of U.S. adults are obese.† Also reported in the CDC website from the National Heart Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLB I), â€Å"†¦ overweight and obesity conditions affect an estimated 97 million Americans, and are the second leading cause for preventable death in the United States.† Obesity is defined by the Health and Wellness Resource Center as the â€Å"excessive body weight that develops over time as people consume more calories than they expendRead MoreFactors Contributing Factors That Causes Obesity Among Children Essay1369 Words   |  6 PagesChildhood obesity is a major health issue that takes place when a child is beyond the average weight for his or her age and height (Mayo Clinic, 2014). According to Sameera and Amar childhood obesity is a major public health crisis nationally and internationally, which arises because of the differences in lifestyle consequences among different cultural people in New Zealand (2012). This abnormality can cause various health risks such as diabetes and heart disease (World Health Organisation, 2014)Read MoreThe Local Role of Nurses in Inte rnational Health Policy691 Words   |  3 PagesThe Local Role of Nurses in International Health Policy The global obesity epidemic has been recognized as a significant health threat to developed nations by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2013). Globally the number of obese individuals, over 1.4 billion adults, has doubled since 1980. This represented 11% of all adults aged 20 and over in 2008. Another 35% of this age group was considered overweight. Even more troubling is the increasing number of children who were considered overweight in

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Classroom Management - 10289 Words

Assignment: Task 1 Look at Ur’s list of patterns of interaction below. Decide whether each interaction is either more student-centred or more teacher-centred. Justify your answers. Group work -- more student-centred: students work in small groups on tasks that entail interaction: conveying information, or group decision-making. The teacher intervenes little. Closed-ended teacher questioning -- more teacher-centred: the teacher asks questions the students and can be used for clarifiying facts, verifying information already given or controlling a conversation. Individual work -- more student-centred: the teacher gives a task or set of tasks, and students work on them independently; the teacher walks around monitoring†¦show more content†¦Using this way of errors correction students usually realize that their teacher is not the only source of correction and they can learn a lot from one another. The author of the book `Error Analysis and Interlanguage` S.P.Corder states that â€Å" when a learner has made an error, the most efficient way to teach him the correct form is not by simply giving it to him, but by letting him discover it and test different hypotheses.† Mistakes are OK, everyone makes them. The role of the teacher is not only to correct the mistakes but also prevent them. But how to correct mistakes? There are several ways of error correction. 1. Students are writing a paragraph about a holiday in ones or twos. - We know very well that a paper that is returned with red markings all over is quite discouraging for the student. The most important aspect while giving feedback is adopting a positive attitude to student writing. Feedback sessions must be a beneficial experience for the student if the teacher shows the strong points as well. If the teacher tries to make comments and corrections on the final version of the student paper, the teacher would be exhausted and the student would be discouraged. One alternative can be giving feedback through the process of writing. That is, while the student is planning and organizing his ideas, the teacher can comment on the unity and coherence of ideas. Or while the student is writing his draft, the teacher can proofread for word-order,Show MoreRelatedA Reflection On Classroom Management1704 Words   |  7 Pagesstudents and 36% female students. No inclusion students or aides were present in these classes. I. Classroom Management Classroom management is defined as the â€Å"techniques used to maintain a healthy living environment, relatively free of behavior problems† (Woolfolk). Classroom management is a combination of four areas: seatwork, organization, withitness and assignments. Seatwork in classroom management involves making sure that the work given to students will keep them interested and on task. OrganizationRead MoreEvaluation Of A Classroom Management845 Words   |  4 PagesClassroom management is a set of methods and skills used by educators to assist students in being more organized, alert, thoughtful, disciplined as well as being more academically productive. Classroom management when used correctly and effectively can help teachers maintain and control behaviors that may hinder learning for the class or a particular student, while at the same time maximizing behaviors that enhance learning for the students (Classroom Management, 2014). A practice that can contributeRead MoreClassroom Theory : Classroom Management Philosophy1351 Words   |  6 PagesToni Bentley Classroom Management Classroom Management Philosophy My Classroom Management Philosophy I believe that a well managed classroom provides safety, education and respect and fosters an environment of team work and empathy. In order to support and encourage learning in a classroom environment, students should feel comfortable and safe both physically and emotionally. Behavior, character, independence, attitudes, and academics are all learned in a classroom. They shouldRead MoreEssay about Classroom Management2051 Words   |  9 PagesWong defined classroom management as, â€Å"the practises and procedures that allow teachers to teach and students to learn† (Starr, 2005). Harry K. Wong also describes that classroom managements is something that refers to all of the necessary things that a teacher does to organize students, space, time, and materials so that learning can occur efficiently. This management includes fostering students’ full participation, plus their overall commitment and contribution in the productive classroom activitiesRead MoreData Analysi s And Results Of Classroom Management1463 Words   |  6 Pages o Classroom management: All 3 correlated o Use of formative assessment was found to help student’s engagement throughout. o Classroom management was a common theme among my data as well that showed being better able to pace lessons. Triangulation: Both my Critical friend and journaling collection tools agreed that classroom management has a big impact on how lessons and activity pacing will go. My own journaling indicated a numerous amount of times that my teachers classroom management helpedRead MoreEssay on Philosophy of Classroom Management2662 Words   |  11 Pages Philosophy of Classroom Management Being a male going into the elementary school education profession, I feel that I can be a postitive male role model for students who might lack that kind of male role model leadership needs. One of the first things that I will convey to my students is my philosophy on classroom management. My philosophy can be summed up in just two words: RESPECT and LEADERSHIP. Respect ï ¿ ¼ Just as the picture describes , in order for me to receive respect ; I must first deliverRead MoreLearning Methods For Successful Classroom Management Essay1164 Words   |  5 Pagesmethods I might use for good classroom management This paper sheds light on some dynamic learning methods for successful classroom management. The classroom management had the largest effect on students’ achievement. This means students cannot learn in poorly managed classrooms. Some studies shows the importance of classroom managements of there being building a relationship between teachers and students. Teachers should take into their consideration classroom management and student achievement areRead MoreClassroom Management Plan For Students1095 Words   |  5 PagesClassroom Management Plan Part One There are 22 students in my second grade class. Of the 22 students, 11 are male and 11 are female. The demographics of the classroom are as follows: African American (9) 41%, Caucasian (8) 36%, Hispanic (2) 9%, Asian (2) 9%, and Multi-Racial (1) 4.5%. Two students come from families that receive an income below the poverty line. Every student in the class speaks English and there are two children with disabilities. One student has a 504 plan for ADHD and the otherRead MoreClassroom Management Essay examples1479 Words   |  6 Pagesbecause they feel it is what is expected of them, and others go because they feel they have no other choice. No matter the reason, there always seems to be a problem in the classroom; the teacher will be lecturing while only a few students are responding. In Nunns (1996) observational study of participation in college classrooms, on average less than 6 percent of class time involved student interaction. Thats three minutes of student talk per 50 minutes of class time. (Tomorrows Professor, 2006)Read MoreMy Philosophy Of Classroom Management2708 Words   |  11 PagesMY PHILOSOPHY OF CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT I am focused on making my classroom a protected and testing environment and captivating my understudies through the educational module and additionally getting to know them and associating with them one-on-one. I accept that addressing the needs of my understudies is an exceptionally significant piece of my classroom. I need them to be agreeable with alternate understudies, and additionally me, additionally me that there can be genuine dialogs and communications

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Vampire Diaries The Fury Chapter Twelve Free Essays

Stefan looked at Elena, snow crystals dusting his dark hair. â€Å"What about Matt?† â€Å"I remember-something. It’s not clear. We will write a custom essay sample on The Vampire Diaries: The Fury Chapter Twelve or any similar topic only for you Order Now But that first night, when I wasn’t myself -did I see Matt then? Did I-?† Fear and a sick sense of dismay swelled her throat and cut her words off. But she didn’t need to finish, and Stefan didn’t need to answer. She saw it in his eyes. â€Å"It was the only way, Elena,† he said then. â€Å"You would have died without human blood. Would you rather have attacked somebody unwilling, hurt them, maybe killed them? The need can drive you to that. Is that what you would have wanted?† â€Å"No,† Elena said violently. â€Å"But did it have to be Matt? Oh, don’t answer that; I can’t think of anybody else, either.† She took a shaky breath. â€Å"But now I’m worried about him, Stefan. I haven’t seen him since that night. Is he okay? What has he said to you?† â€Å"Not much,† said Stefan, looking away. † ‘Leave me alone’ was about the gist of it. He also denied that anything happened that night, and said that you were dead.† â€Å"Sounds like one of those individuals who can’t cope,† Damon commented. â€Å"Oh, shut up!† said Elena. â€Å"You keep out of this, and while you’re at it, you might think about poor Vickie Bennett. How d’you think she’s coping these days?† â€Å"It might help if I knew who this Vickie Bennett is. You keep talking about her, but I’ve never met the girl.† â€Å"Yes, you have. Don’t play games with me, Damon-the cemetery, remember? The ruined church? The girl you left wandering around there in her slip?† â€Å"Sorry, no. And I usually do remember girls I leave wandering in their slips.† â€Å"I suppose Stefan did it, then,† Elena said sarcastically. Anger flashed to the surface of Damon’s eyes, covered quickly with a disturbing smile. â€Å"Maybe he did. Maybe you did. It’s all the same to me, except that I’m getting a little tired of accusations. And now-â€Å" â€Å"Wait,† said Stefan, with surprising mildness. â€Å"Don’t go yet. We should talk-† â€Å"I’m afraid I have a previous engagement.† There was a flurry of wings, and Stefan and Elena were alone. Elena put a knuckle to her lips. â€Å"Damn. I didn’t mean to make him angry. After he was really almost civilized all evening.† â€Å"Never mind,† said Stefan. â€Å"He likes to be angry. What were you saying about Matt?† Elena saw the weariness in Stefan’s face and put an arm around him. â€Å"We won’t talk about it now, but I think tomorrow maybe we should go see him. To tell him†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Elena lifted her other hand helplessly. She didn’t know what she wanted to tell Matt; she only knew that she needed to do something. talk about it now, but I think tomorrow maybe we should go see him. To tell him†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Elena lifted her other hand helplessly. She didn’t know what she wanted to tell Matt; she only knew that she needed to do something. Elena looked at him hard. â€Å"Are you sure?† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"But-will you be all right? I should stay with you-â€Å" â€Å"I’ll be fine, Elena,† Stefan said gently, â€Å"Go on.† Elena hesitated, then nodded. â€Å"I won’t be long,† she promised him. Unseen, Elena slipped around the side of the frame house with the peeling paint and the crooked mailbox labeled Honeycutt. Matt’s window was unlocked. Careless boy, she thought reprovingly. Don’t you know some-thing might come creeping in? She eased it open, but of course that was as far as she could go. An invisible barrier that felt like a soft wall of thickened air blocked her way. â€Å"Matt,† she whispered. The room was dark, but she could see a vague shape on the bed. A digital clock with pale green numbers showed that it was 12:15. â€Å"Matt,† she whispered again. The figure stirred. â€Å"Uh?† â€Å"Matt, I don’t want to frighten you.† She made her voice soothing, trying to wake him gently rather than startle him out of his wits. â€Å"But it’s me, Elena, and I wanted to talk. Only you’ve got to ask me in first. Can you ask me in?† â€Å"Uh. C’mon in.† Elena was amazed at the lack of surprise in his voice. It was only after she’d gotten over the sill that she realized he was still asleep. â€Å"Matt. Matt,† she whispered, afraid to go too close. The room was stifling and overheated, the radiator going full blast. She could see a bare foot sticking out of the mound of blankets on the bed and blond hair at the top. â€Å"Matt?† Tentatively, she leaned over and touched him. That got a response. With an explosive grunt, Matt sat bolt upright, whipping around. When his eyes met hers, they were wide and staring. Elena found herself trying to look small and harmless, nonthreatening. She backed away against the wall. â€Å"I didn’t mean to frighten you. I know it’s a shock. But will you talk to me?† He simply went on staring at her. His yellow hair was sweaty and ruffled up like wet chicken feathers. She could see his pulse pounding in his bare neck. She was afraid he was going to get up and dash out of the room. Then his shoulders relaxed, slumping, and he slowly shut his eyes. He was afraid he was going to get up and dash out of the room. â€Å"Yes,† she whispered. â€Å"You’re dead.† â€Å"No. I’m here.† â€Å"Dead people don’t come back. My dad didn’t come back.† â€Å"I didn’t really die. I just changed.† Matt’s eyes were still shut in repudiation, and Elena felt a cold wave of hopelessness wash over her. â€Å"But you wish I had died, don’t you? I’ll leave now,† she whispered. Matt’s face cracked and he started to cry. â€Å"No. Oh, no. Oh, don’t, Matt, please.† She found herself cradling him, fighting not to cry herself. â€Å"Matt, I’m sorry; I shouldn’t even have come here.† â€Å"Don’t leave,† he sobbed. â€Å"Don’t go away.† â€Å"I won’t.† Elena lost the fight, and tears fell onto Matt’s damp hair. â€Å"I didn’t mean to hurt you, ever,† she said. â€Å"Not ever, Matt. All those times, all those things I did- I never wanted to hurt you. Truly†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Then she stopped talking and just held him. After a while his breathing quieted and he sat back, swiping his face with a fistful of sheet. His eyes avoided hers. There was a look on his face, not just of embarrassment, but of distrust, as if he were bracing himself for something he dreaded. â€Å"Okay, so you’re here. You’re alive,† he said roughly. â€Å"So what do you want?† Elena was dumbfounded. â€Å"Come on, there must be something. What is it?† New tears welled up, but Elena gulped them back. â€Å"I guess I deserve that. I know I do. But for once, Matt, I want absolutely nothing. I came to apologize, to say that I’m sorry for using you-not just that one night, but always. I care about you, and I care if you hurt. I thought maybe I could make things better.† After a heavy silence, she added, â€Å"I guess I will leave now.† â€Å"No, wait. Wait a second.† Matt scrubbed at his face with the sheet again. â€Å"Listen. That was stupid, and I’m a jerk-â€Å" â€Å"That was the truth and you’re a gentleman. Or you’d’ve told me to go take a hike a long time ago.† â€Å"No, I’m a stupid jerk. I should be banging my head against the wall with joy because you’re not dead. I will in a minute. Listen.† He grabbed her wrist and Elena looked at it in mild surprise. â€Å"I don’t care if you’re the Creature from the Black Lagoon, It, Godzilla and Frankenstein all rolled up into one. I just-â€Å" â€Å"Matt.† Panicked, Elena put her free hand over his mouth. â€Å"I know. You’re engaged to the guy in the black cape. Don’t worry; I remember him. I even like him, though God knows why.† Matt took a breath and seemed to calm down. â€Å"Look, I don’t know if Stefan told you. He said a bunch of stuff to me -about being evil, about not being sorry for what he did to Tyler. You know what I’m talking about?† â€Å"I know. You’re engaged to the guy in the black cape. Don’t worry; I remember him. I even like him, though God knows why.† Matt took a breath and seemed to calm down. â€Å"Look, I don’t know if Stefan told you. He said a bunch of stuff to me -about being evil, about not being sorry for what he did to Tyler. You know what I’m talking about?† Matt nodded. â€Å"So it was your basic crap. I should have known.† â€Å"Well, it is and it isn’t. The need is strong, stronger than you can imagine.† It was dawning on Elena that she hadn’t fed today and that she’d been hungry before they’d set out for Alaric’s. â€Å"In fact-Matt, I’d better go. Just one thing-if there’s a dance tomorrow night, don’t go. Something’s going to happen then, something bad. We’re going to try to guard it, but I don’t know what we can do.† â€Å"Who’s ‘we’?† Matt said sharply. â€Å"Stefan and Damon-I think Damon-and me. And Meredith and Bonnie†¦ and Alaric Saltzman. Don’t ask about Alaric. It’s a long story.† â€Å"But what are you guarding against!† â€Å"I forgot; you don’t know. That’s a long story, too, but†¦ well, the short answer is, whatever killed me. Whatever made those dogs attack people at my memorial service. It’s something bad, Matt, that’s been around Fell’s Church for a while now. And we’re going to try to stop it from doing anything tomorrow night.† She tried not to squirm. â€Å"Look, I’m sorry, but I really should leave.† Her eyes drifted, despite herself, to the broad blue vein in his neck. When she managed to tear her gaze away and look at his face, she saw shock giving way to sudden understanding. Then to something incredible: acceptance. â€Å"It’s okay,† Matt said. She wasn’t sure she’d heard correctly. â€Å"Matt?† â€Å"I said, it’s okay. It didn’t hurt me before.† â€Å"No. No, Matt, really. I didn’t come here for that-â€Å" â€Å"I know. That’s why I want to. I want to give you something you didn’t ask for.† After a moment he said, â€Å"For old friends’ sake.† Stefan, Elena was thinking. But Stefan had told her to come, and come alone. Stefan had known, she realized. And it was all right. It was his gift to Matt-and to her. But I’m coming back to you, Stefan, she thought. As she leaned toward him, Matt said, â€Å"I’m going to come and help you tomorrow, you know. Even if I’m not invited.† Then her lips touched his throat. December 13, Friday Dear Diary, I know I’ve written that before, or thought it at least. But tonight is the night, the big one, when everything is going to happen. This is it. Stefan feels it, too. He came back from school today to tell me that the dance is still on-Mr. Newcastle didn’t want to cause a panic by canceling it or something. What they’re going to do is have â€Å"security† outside, which means the police, I guess. And maybe Mr. Smallwood and some of his friends with rifles. Whatever’s going to happen, I don’t think they can stop it. I don’t know if we can, either. It’s been snowing all day. The pass is blocked, which means nothing gets in or out of town on wheels. Until the snowplow gets up there, which won’t be until morning, which will be too late. And the air has a funny feeling to it. Not just snow. It’s as if something even colder than that is waiting. It’s pulled back the way the ocean pulls back before a tidal wave. When it lets go†¦ I thought about my other diary today, the one under the floorboards of my bedroom closet. If I own anything anymore, I own that diary. I thought about getting it out, but I don’t want to go home again. I don’t think I could cope, and I know Aunt Judith couldn’t if she saw me. I’m surprised anybody’s been able to cope. Meredith, Bonnie-especially Bonnie. Well, Meredith, too, considering what her family has been through. Matt. They’re good and loyal friends. It’s funny, I used to think that without a whole galaxy of friends and admirers I wouldn’t survive. Now I’m perfectly happy with three, thank you. Because they’re real friends. I didn’t know how much I cared about them before. Or about Margaret, or Aunt Judith even. And everybody at school†¦ I know a few weeks ago I was saying that I didn’t care if the entire population of Robert E. Lee dropped dead, but that isn’t true. Tonight I’m going to do my best to protect them. I know I’m jumping from subject to subject, but I’m just talking about things that are important to me. Kind of gathering them together in my mind. Just in case. Well, it’s time. Stefan is waiting. I’m going to finish this last line and then go. I think we’re going to win. I hope so. We’re going to try. The history room was warm and brightly lit. On the other side of the school building, the cafeteria was even brighter, shining with Christmas lights and decorations. Upon arriving, Elena had scrutinized it from a cautious distance, watching the couples arrive for the dance and pass by the sheriff’s officers at the door. Feeling Damon’s silent presence behind her, she had pointed out a girl with long, light brown hair. â€Å"I’ll take your word for it,† he replied. Now, she looked around their makeshift headquarters for the night. Alaric’s desk had been cleared, and he was bent over a rough map of the school. Meredith leaned in beside him, her dark hair sweeping his sleeve. Matt and Bonnie were out mingling with the dancegoers in the parking lot, and Stefan and Damon were prowling the perimeter of the school grounds. They were going to take turns. â€Å"You’d better stay inside,† Alaric had told Elena. â€Å"All we need is for somebody to see you and start chasing you with a stake.† â€Å"I’ve been walking around town all week,† Elena said, amused. â€Å"If I don’t want to be seen, you don’t see me.† But she agreed to stay in the history room and coordinate. It’s like a castle, she thought as she watched Alaric plot out the positions of sheriff’s officers and other men on the map. And we’re defending it. Me and my loyal knights. The round, flat-faced clock on the wall ticked the minutes by. Elena watched it as she let people in the door and let them out again. She poured hot coffee out of a Thermos for those who wanted it. She listened to the reports come in. â€Å"Everything’s quiet on the north side of the school.† â€Å"Caroline just got crowned snow queen. Big surprise.† â€Å"Some rowdy kids in the parking lot-the sheriff just rounded them up†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Midnight came and went. â€Å"Maybe we were wrong,† Stefan said an hour or so later. It was the first time they’d all been inside together since the beginning of the evening. â€Å"Maybe it’s happening somewhere else,† said Bonnie, emptying out a boot and peering into it. â€Å"There’s no way to know where it’s going to happen,† Elena said firmly. â€Å"But we weren’t wrong about it happening.† â€Å"Maybe,† said Alaric thoughtfully, â€Å"there is a way. To find out where it’s going to happen, I mean.† As heads raised questioningly, he said, â€Å"We need a precognition.† All eyes turned to Bonnie. â€Å"Oh, no,† Bonnie said. â€Å"I’m through with all that. I hate it.† â€Å"It’s a great gift-† began Alaric. â€Å"It’s a great big pain. Look, you don’t understand. The ordinary predictions are bad enough. It seems like most of the time I’m finding out things I don’t want to know. But getting taken over-that’s awful. And afterward I don’t even remember what I’ve said. It’s horrible.† know. But getting taken over-that’s awful. And afterward I don’t even remember what I’ve said. It’s horrible.† Bonnie sighed. â€Å"It’s what happened to me in the church,† she said patiently. â€Å"I can do other kinds of predictions, like divining with water or reading palms†-she glanced at Elena, and then away-â€Å"and stuff like that. But then there are times when -someone-takes me over and just uses me to talk for them. It’s like having somebody else in my body.† â€Å"Like in the graveyard, when you said there was something there waiting for me,† said Elena. â€Å"Or when you warned me not to go near the bridge. Or when you came to dinner and said that Death, my death, was in the house.† She looked automatically around at Damon, who returned her gaze impassively. Still, that had been wrong, she thought. Damon hadn’t been her death. So what had the prophecy meant? For just an instant something glimmered in her mind, but before she could get a grasp on it, Meredith interrupted. â€Å"It’s like another voice that speaks through Bonnie,† Meredith explained to Alaric. â€Å"She even looks different. Maybe you weren’t close enough in the church to see.† â€Å"But why didn’t you tell me about this?† Alaric was excited. â€Å"This could be important. This-entity-whatever it is-could give us vital information. It could clear up the mystery of the Other Power, or at least give us a clue how to fight it.† Bonnie was shaking her head. â€Å"No. It isn’t something I can just whistle up, and it doesn’t answer questions. It just happens to me. And I hate it.† â€Å"You mean you can’t think of anything that tends to set it off? Anything that’s led to it happening before?† Elena and Meredith, who knew very well what could set it off, looked at each other. Elena bit the inside of her cheek. It was Bonnie’s choice. It had to be Bonnie’s choice. Bonnie, who was holding her head in her hands, shot a sideways glance through red curls at Elena. Then she shut her eyes and moaned. â€Å"Candles,† she said. â€Å"What?† â€Å"Candles. A candle flame might do it. I can’t be sure, you understand; I’m not promising anything-â€Å" â€Å"Somebody go ransack the science lab,† said Alaric. It was a scene reminiscent of the day Alaric had come to school, when he’d asked them all to put their chairs in a circle. Elena looked at the circle of faces lit eerily from below by the candle’s flame. There was Matt, with his jaw set. Beside him, Meredith, her dark lashes throwing shadows upward. And Alaric, leaning forward in his eagerness. Then Damon, light and shadow dancing over the planes of his face. And Stefan, high cheekbones looking too sharply defined to Elena’s eyes. And finally, Bonnie, looking fragile and pale even in the golden light of the candle. â€Å"I’m just going to look into the candle,† Bonnie said, her voice quivering slightly. â€Å"And not think of anything. I’m going to try to-leave myself open to it.† She began to breathe deeply, gazing into the candle flame. And then it happened, just as it had before. Bonnie’s face smoothed out, all expression draining away. Her eyes went blank as the stone cherub’s in the graveyard. She didn’t say a word. That was when Elena realized they hadn’t agreed on what to ask. She groped through her mind to find a question before Bonnie lost contact. â€Å"Where can we find the Other Power?† she said, just as Alaric blurted out, â€Å"Who are you?† Their voices mingled, their questions intertwining. Bonnie’s blank face turned, sweeping the circle with sightless eyes. Then the voice that wasn’t Bonnie’s voice said, â€Å"Come and see.† â€Å"Wait a minute,† Matt said, as Bonnie stood up, still entranced, and made for the door. â€Å"Where’s she going?† Meredith grabbed for her coat. â€Å"Are we going with her?† â€Å"Don’t touch her!† said Alaric, jumping up as Bonnie went out the door. Elena looked at Stefan, and then at Damon. With one accord, they followed, trailing Bonnie down the empty, echoing hall. â€Å"Where are we going? Which question is she answering?† Matt demanded. Elena could only shake her head. Alaric was jogging to keep up with Bonnie’s gliding pace. She slowed down as they emerged into the snow, and to Elena’s surprise, walked up to Alaric’s car in the staff parking lot and stood beside it. â€Å"We can’t all fit; I’ll follow with Matt,† Meredith said swiftly. Elena, her skin chilled with apprehension as well as cold air, got in the back of Alaric’s car when he opened it for her, with Damon and Stefan on either side. Bonnie sat up front. She was looking straight ahead, and she didn’t speak. But as Alaric pulled out of the parking lot, she lifted one white hand and pointed. Right on Lee Street and then left on Arbor Green. Straight out toward Elena’s house and then right on Thunderbird. Heading toward Old Creek Road. It was then that Elena realized where they were going. They took the other bridge to the cemetery, the one everyone always called â€Å"the new bridge† to distinguish it from Wickery Bridge, which was now gone. They were approaching from the gate side, the side Tyler had driven up when he took Elena to the ruined church. Alaric’s car stopped just where Tyler’s had stopped. Meredith pulled up behind them. â€Å"Where are you taking us?† she said. â€Å"Listen to me. Will you just tell us which question you’re answering?† â€Å"Come and see.† Helplessly, Elena looked at the others. Then she stepped over the threshold. Bonnie walked slowly to the white marble tomb, and stopped. Elena looked at it, and then at Bonnie’s ghostly face. Every hair on her arms and the back of her neck was standing up. â€Å"Oh, no†¦Ã¢â‚¬  she whispered. â€Å"Not that.† â€Å"Elena, what are you talking about?† Meredith said. Dizzy, Elena looked down at the marble countenances of Thomas and Honoria Fell, lying on the stone lid of their tomb. â€Å"This thing opens,† she whispered. How to cite The Vampire Diaries: The Fury Chapter Twelve, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Substance Addiction and Treatment †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Substance Addiction and Treatment. Answer: Introduction: Generally, people think that only young adults and teens are affected by drug and alcohol abuse, however, it is not true as many elders are also suffering from the problems related to drugs and alcohol. Irrespective of countries, the numbers of older adults with the problem of substance abuse are getting higher day after day. The elder adults may be addicted to illicit drugs or may use the prescribed medicine in a wrong way such as consuming it after mixing it with alcohol (Herie et al, 2013). To counsel the addicted elders, the counselor has to first identify the exact problem to bring the individual to normal life. The counselor uses the few standardized tools available to screen the problems related to misusing of prescribed medicine. The second step of screening the patient is to do a proper assessment to determine the steps the counselor is going to take to properly treat the patient. While doing the assessment for older adults, the counselor has to consider the following criteria- mobility, diet, losses, mental health, capacity, physical health, social support, alcohol, literacy, speech, culture and any kind of abuse to make the whole process of counseling as appropriate as possible (Herie et al, 2013). The third step the counselor has to take is the treatment. The process of treatment is the same for the older adults and the younger people (Kuerbis et al., 2014). The treatments for substance abuse include medicines, counseling, and detoxification. In the case of medicine abuse, the doctor or the counselor can start their treatment by letting the patient know about the bad effect of the medicine and by organizing the intake of all the medicines. The doctor or the counselor also has to determine the severity of the problem by classifying them into some distinct groups. Some of the late onset patients can also show the withdrawal symptoms during the treatment. The doctor has to treat the patients with the withdrawal symptoms accordingly. The treatment of the problem for the people of different stages of addiction is different. The counselor has to consider all these criteria while treating them. The counselor should consider the age and the special needs of the patient during the treatment. References: Herie, M., Skinner, W. J. W., Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. (2013).Fundamentals of addiction: A practical guide for counselors (4th edition). p=3431464, 592-605 Kuerbis, A., Sacco, P., Blazer, D. G., Moore, A. A. (2014). Substance abuse among older adults.Clinics in geriatric medicine,30(3), 629.

Friday, November 29, 2019

How to Make a Review of Related Literature free essay sample

How to Make a Review of Related Literature Do not you know how to make a review of related literature? No panic! Make use of our guide and you are sure to create a qualitative review of related literature. What is a Review of Related Literature? A review of related literature is an integral part of theses or dissertations. It may also be a required part of proposals. The main purpose of a review of related literature is to analyze scientific works by other researchers that you used for investigation critically. How to Write the Introduction of a Review of Related Literature In order to make the Introduction elaborately, take the following steps: Identify the general topic of the sources under discussion. Thus, you will provide the context of your review of related literature; Discuss what was already presented about the topic of your paper: conflicts in a theory, conclusions, gaps in research and scholarship, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Make a Review of Related Literature or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Explain why the literature used is worth reviewing. How to Write the Body of a Review of Related Literature When writing the Body, do the following: Group the sources according to their common dominators (approaches, objectives or any specific chronologies); Give the examples of how to sort out these groups. Use quotations, evidences, data, etc. They will make your review of related literature more valid. How to Write the Conclusion of a Review of Related Literature To make the Conclusion, do the following: Summarize the contributions of the literature sources made to the area of study you investigate. Maintain the central focus in the Introduction; Give a kind of insight into the relationship between the topic of your review and a larger study area (e. . a discipline, a scientific endeavor, etc. ) You can also read about a review of biblical literature and alternatives to book report on the blog of our site. A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic. Literature revi ews are secondary sources, and as such, do not report any new or original experimental work. To make multimedia even more effective, many individuals add interaction, which means involving the user when he/she accessed the multimedia application (Payne,1993, p. 72-75). This aspect also provided a non-linear, user-defined constructivist environment. Multimedia was defined as a presentation or a program involving the use of multiple media data types such as audio, video, graphics, text, and images. Multimedia incorporated different media sources operating under computer control. A multimedia system was a computer capable of processing and displaying multiple media data types such as audio, video, graphics, text, and images. Such data types may reside on the same data storage device or may come from different source media such as CD-ROM and/or digital video disk (DVD). Programs were reviewed that facilitated multimedia implementation in educational settings. Commercial products provided a rich source of choices. Commercial Products Authoring programs used in this and other multimedia projects were Claris Home Page to create web pages, Microsoft Power Point to create presentations, and Microsoft Front Page to create web pages. Other programs widely used for multimedia authoring were HyperCard (a program that required some programming knowledge – largely used to create kiosks, and other instructional presentations), and Hyperstudio (a more user-friendly version of Hyper Card that worked very well with kindergarten through fifth grade students). HyperCard, Hyperstudio, Claris Home Page, Microsoft Front Page, and Microsoft Power Point supplied a rich environment in which to create multimedia projects. These programs were used in the implementation of this study due to their ease of use and versatility. All products referenced were available to be used by students and teachers to create projects incorporating linkages to text, scanned images, full motion video and audio clips. Programs were chosen based upon their ability to convey subject matter in non-linear presentations. Multimedia-related Terms Multimedia-related definitions were presented by Taeth, 2001. Multimedia was defined as human-computer interaction involving text, graphics, voice and video. Often, it also included concepts from hypertext. This term has come to be almost synonymous with CD-ROM in the personal computer world since the large amounts of data involved are currently best supplied on CD-ROM. Hypertext is a term coined by Ted Nelson around 1965 for a collection of documents (or nodes) containing cross-references or links, which with the aid of an interactive browser program, allowed the reader to move easily from one document to another. (See also hypermedia). Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) was a document format specified to be used by the World-Wide Web. Built on top of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), Tags were embedded in the text. A tag consists of a . Matched pairs of directives, like and , were used to delimit text which was to appear in a special place or style. Links to other documents were in the form: zoo where a, /a delimit an anchor, href introduced a hypertext reference which in this case is a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) (the thing in double quotes in the example). The text zoo was the label appearing on the link in the browser. Other common tags included for a new paragraph, for bold text, for an unnumbered list, for pre-formatted text, and , .. for headings.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Naturalistic Observation essays

Naturalistic Observation essays Abstract Naturalistic observation involves recording subjects naturally occurring behavior while they are in their natural environment. This experiment revolves around this type of observation. Specifically, it involves the observation of the various human dyads (male-female, male-male, female-female,) social interaction, within in a public environment. Focal points of observation included conversation space (distance between individuals heads,), and body language. All behaviors were observed in an unobtrusive manner. Introduction The acceptable distance for a conversation between adults is greatly affected by the cultural background of the participants and the gender of those involved (Hall, 1966, Reidhead, Good, Sommer, 1969). Previous work has shown that, observational studies in real life situations have found that individuals in Arab and Latin American countries, in general, stand significantly closer to one another during conversations than do Americans and Northern Europeans (e.g., Hall, 1966; Sanders, Hakky, Sommer, 1962). Based upon these former studies, observation was undergone in roughly the same manner, with a new hypothesis in mind. The hypothesis is that when engaged in conversation, male-female dyads make more of overt effort to appear interested in conversation. Since actual conversing was not overheard, and distance between individuals was virtually irrelevant, the significant variables in this study are measurements of specific types of body language, ones that connote interest, and attention. Method Participants Participants were a total of 30 separate dyads (10 male-female, 10 male-male, 10 female-female). All dyads were observed in public environments and as unobtrusively as possible. Al...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Interact between acient Mesopotamia and theis enviroment Essay

Interact between acient Mesopotamia and theis enviroment - Essay Example The people believed in a repulsion between animals and humans. This is the reason why the trapper used a woman to seduce Enkidu so that when the animals noticed that Enkidu laid with a woman, they left him. Natural diet including both vegetarian and non-vegetarian diet was considered as the source of strength in the Mesopotamian civilization. â€Å"Enkidu ate grass in the hills with the gazelle and lurked with wild beasts at the water-holes† (26). Eating natural grass was considered as the source of strength as Enkidu was believed to have gained his strength from eating the wild grass of the hills with the gazelle. As Ninsun says to Gilgamesh, â€Å"He is the strongest of wild creatures, the stuff of Anu; born in the grass-lands and the wild hills reared him† (28). Likewise, when Enkidu entered Uruk, the people spoke of connections between his strength and the natural diet he consumed; â€Å"This is the one who was reared on the milk of wild beasts. His is the greatest strength† (29). The people of Uruk had a strong belief in the physical strength of animals in general and the bulls in particular which is why Gilgamesh’s strength is compared to that of a wild bull. Similarly, when Enkidu encounters Gilgamesh at the gate of the home where Gilgamesh is about to make love to the bride, the strength of both Gilgamesh and Enkidu is compared to the strength of bulls in these words, â€Å"†¦so they grappled, holding each other like bulls. They broke the doorposts and the walls shook, they snorted like bulls locked together† (29). When Gilgamesh throws Enkidu during the fight, Enkidu attributes the strength of Gilgamesh to the strength of his mother, â€Å"There is not another like you in the world. Ninsun, who is as strong as a wild ox in the byre, she was the mother who bore you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (29). Concluding, the Mesopotamian civilization considered natural diet including grass and the milk of animals as the source of strength. Natural diet was probably

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

BP In The World Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

BP In The World Market - Essay Example Understanding all the relative dynamics enables one to make informed decisions regarding the amount of finances to invest, at what time to make the investment and at what time to pull out of the company. Timely decisions in this regard would go a long way in ensuring the safety and security of the respective investment. Most importantly, informed decisions in this regard would enable the investor to attain the primary goal of profiting from the respective business. It is against this background that this paper provides a share portfolio review. The company of choice pertains to the BP gas and oil company that has been stable in the financial share market over time. To enhance a coherent consideration, it begins by justifying the choice of the company. It then proceeds to an analysis of the performance of the invested shares and provides an informed judgment as to whether the performance was good. Finally, it presents the reasons that informed the investor with respect to keeping the shares in the company. The company has a broad consumer base comprising of various clients drawn from diverse economic backgrounds. These customers are scattered across the globe in 90 different countries. Its business segments include production, exploration, marketing and refining (BP, 2011). Through the respective segments, it has succeeded in providing fuel as well as fuel products employed for transportation, providing energy, heating and lighting. The relative retail brands have equally been important as a part of the company’s diversification plan.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Kingdom Building Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Kingdom Building - Term Paper Example As for what I do right now, I do feel that I am called to help the poor. That is my job. In my ministry, everyone is equal, for God â€Å"looketh on the heart.† God looks upon what is on the inside—not upon that which is on the outside. Thus, it is important that we realize that God judges differently than humans judge, humans who look upon outward appearances many times—forgetting that there is a person underneath the flesh and bones. People are not just flesh and bone, but we are also mind and spirit. The whole mind-body-spirit connection must be made. People who minister only to one part of the body will not see the complete picture. If someone is hungry, he is not going to want to listen to spiritual platitudes about how one should feed the hungry. That makes no sense. Therefore, my style of ministry oozes with common-sense, on-the-ground approaches that will help people be ministered to on all levels, not just one single level. This is important to recognize because, so many people stress the spiritual level. So many people push about being spiritual. Jesus, however, taught us not to be spiritual, but to have a common-sense approach. If I see a hungry man or woman, I am going to feed that person. If I see someone who needs water, I will give that person a glass of water. I’m not going to come up to them and shove a Bible tract in their face and say, â€Å"Are you ‘born again’?† ... If they do not fit in your ministry path, what kinds of people would need to serve along with you for successful ministry? This should be at least one page long. (275) I am a big encourager, and I like to see people do well. I would definitely have to work with other people who are encouraging, because without that form of encouragement, I don’t see myself or my parishioners succeeding. The people who attend my church should always feel welcome, and no one should be left out feeling they did not do a good job. It’s always a good idea to find some positive aspect about everything and everybody—it is never kind to speak ill of someone, even if they have faults. I know that sometimes gossip and fear-mongering can definitely ruin faith-based relationships and trust within a church. This is called lashon hara in Hebrew (literally, â€Å"the evil tongue†), which is the exact opposite of love.2 Speaking ill of someone is not only considered rude, but gossip is co ntagious. Once one person does it, it is tempting for someone else to want to â€Å"chime in,† and give their opinion. Soon, a molehill can be turned into a mountain with enough silver tongues spouting their opinions. In my ministry, another requirement would have to be working with people who are teachable individuals or people who are teachers themselves. People who are teachable are open to all kinds of learning. Similarly, teachers likewise might usually be the types of people who are open to learning of some sort. Thus, I have to work with people who are both encouragers and teachers, like myself. This gives me the ability to perfect my ministry to the point where people will come to rely on my consistency, as well as the steadfastness

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Knowledge Management: Concepts, Practices and Effects

Knowledge Management: Concepts, Practices and Effects Abstract Today Information Technology is gaining new heights with greater leaps. This enables new age managers to develop newer tools to manage business better. IT has not only expedited the intra and inter organizational communication but also enabled us to manage a lot of data effectively. Knowledge management is emerging as a key management tool for the new century. Although it can be defined in a variety of ways, the process of organizing knowledge in order to get a sustainable development can be termed as Knowledge management. It consists of identification, representation, distribution, application and utilization of available knowledge to get improved performance. Knowledge Management in a company is carried out by systematically organizing the intellectual capital to achieve its business goals. The intellectual capital means the companys intangible assets which increase its valuation. The Core competencies of a company go together with the sustainable competitive advantage. This report explains the process of Knowledge Management to bring in Competitive advantage in the Indian IT industry. It also elaborates on the methods on how innovation can be encouraged in the company. Further, the challenges for KM like resistance to culture change and tacit knowledge sharing are discussed. In India companies have started taking knowledge management as an important aspect as it not only gives a good working culture but also improves the return on investments eventually. However, there is still a good scope of improvement in the field of Knowledge management for the Indian IT industry. The research uses questionnaires and interpretations from interviews to collect primary data .Though it gives a comprehensive analysis, it leaves a further scope for research in the field. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Knowledge Management is relatively new buzz in the corporate world. It is a tool developed to safeguard the organization from competition in future. Apparently, the physical assets and tangible capacities are not sufficient to sustain a competitive advantage in todays market place. What make difference in the long run are the intangible assets, such as Brands, Intellectual property, knowledge etc. These assets can not be bought but have to be created within organization, by the members of organization over a period of time. Aim The aim of this report is to identify and analyse the concepts and current practices of Knowledge management in order to recommend ways of propelling innovation and competitive advantage within the companies. Objective The Research Objective is to Get a comprehensive idea of the current Knowledge Management practises. Identify and analyse the challenges faced by the organizations in implementing Knowledge Management Know the ways of how companies can propel innovation and competitive advantage. Recommendations in order to improve the company culture. Suggest the methods to attain sustainable competitive advantage handling the challenges faced. Key Questions The guiding principal of my research is as follows How do companies integrate KM with their company policies? How change should be initiated? What are the levels of hierarchy? When the change does actually happen? Is KM just for innovation, competitive advantage or more? Are rewards and recognition the way to drive KM? What are the basic challenges for KM? Research Approach The research philosophy is Positivism Philosophy that involves working with an observable social reality. The emphasis is on highly structured methodology to facilitate replication, and the end product can be law-like generalisations similar to those produced by the physical and natural scientists. (Saunders, 2000) This research contains mainly qualitative data collection methods for both primary and secondary data. Primary data was obtained by interviewing the key people of some of the IT companies in India. Questionnaire was designed to get the views of the employees working in the IT industry. Questionnaires were also designed and used to obtain primary data. The response of these questionnaires is being used in order to obtain a particular result in the form of percentage. The secondary data has been collected through books, journals, websites, etc. All of the research methods will be discussed in further detail in the relevant chapter. Research Outcomes The key outcome of this research would be a perfect understanding of the knowledge management practises and to know how companies use it in India for competitive advantage and innovation. Thus using this knowledge the researcher expects to identify main problems in the current trends and evaluate solutions for them. Finally, it also determines the difference between being a multinational corporation (MNC) and small to medium enterprise (SME) with respect to knowledge management. CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY This chapter describes the research methodology adopted for the report. To start with, this report elaborates on the research philosophy Positivism, moving on towards the various stages of research like primary and secondary data collection methods. The reasons behind selecting the particular method are also explained in the report. 2.1 Approach This report includes both primary and secondary data collected from various sources. Secondary data refers to data already collected by someone else and primary data is collected for a specific purpose by the researcher (Saunders, 2000).The research philosophy is Positivism Philosophy that involves working with an observable social reality. The emphasis is on highly structured methodology to facilitate replication, and the end product can be law-like generalisations similar to those produced by the physical and natural scientists. (Saunders, 2000) 2.1.1 Research Strategy: This research is based on the quantitative research strategy which involves collection of data from various sources. It also proposes to collect some primary data through interviews and questionnaires from people from the IT industry in India. A survey is a method whereby a sample of subjects is drawn from a population and studied to make analysis about the population. The survey strategy enables the researcher to collect a large amount of data in a highly efficient way. 2.1.2 Sample Size: For the interviews there was no such constraint of number of questions. The interviewees were asked questions in order to know the KM practices in their organization. In case of the questionnaires due to restrictions of time and access, only 500 questionnaires were distributed to various IT company employees. The reason for distributing the questionnaires to the employees from all the levels and department was to get a clear idea of how employees take the concept of Knowledge management at their workplace. 2.2 Research Stages 2.2.1 Secondary Data Collection: The first stage of the research was a critical literature review to obtain the secondary data. Secondary data collected includes the information and concepts from books, journals and websites based on Knowledge management, Organisational behaviour, Knowledge Integration etc. The list of various sources referred can be viewed from the relevant chapter of the report. Access to the books and journals was through Coventry University Library and electronic library databases like FAME, Engineering Village2 etc. Case studies of various companies as mentioned in the appendices were analysed by the researcher in order to get the relevant information and to decide on certain concepts considering them as the evidences. 2.2.2 Interviews: The second stage of the research was to interview some key people of various IT companies in India. Selection of these companies for the interview was done on the basis of how KM practices are being carried out there. These vary from the Market leaders to the new entrants in the IT industry. Many companies are such that they have been practising good KM processes since a long time, but a few have just started to get into it. This was done so because it gave researcher a clear idea of the current scenario in the Indian IT industry. Selecting the best companies alone would not have helped in introducing the scope of improvement for the research. The interviews were face to face interviews and the researcher has written down the important points from the session. The people who have been interviewed were mainly the Knowledge Management Executives in the companies. These were the people who knew exactly what processes are being practised in the company, so interviewing them was the best way to get the details about the KM practices in the companies. Their designations were like senior knowledge officers, Chief knowledge officers etc. Confidentiality was requested by the interviewees so company names are not mentioned anywhere. 2.2.3 Questionnaires: The final stage for primary data collection was through questionnaires. The questionnaires designed were distributed to the employees of junior level in the IT companies. It had just 10 questions but they were selected in such a way that the they would serve the main purpose of the survey to understand the current scenario in Indian IT industry among that class of employee by whom the KM practices are expected to follow. Questions selected were simple to answer so that the respondents are interested in answering till the end of the questionnaire. This also makes it possible to collect maximum responses. These questionnaires were not passed on to the management level or the KM people as the interviews were carried out with them. The researcher wanted to extract information from the employees in the Indian IT companies regarding their views about the Knowledge Management processes in their companies. This was also helpful in getting an overview of the facts about the how aware the Ind ian corporate world is in regards with knowledge management. CHAPTER 3: CRITICAL LITRATURE REVIEW 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1. What is knowledge? Definition of knowledge provided by Schulz (2001) beginning with the 1992 American Heritage Dictionary: ‘knowledge is what has been learned from experience or study. Knowledge is a broad concept that usually includes insights, interpretations, and information. Organizational knowledge refers to knowledge and information that all, part, or parts of the organization share, and that is frequently stored in standard operating procedures, routines, or rules. Today, knowledge has emerged and is accepted as the most critical resource available to an organization (Bartlett and Ghosal 1993, Davenport and Prusak 1995, Drucker 1993, Leonard-Barton 1992, Nonaka 1991, Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995, Nonaka et al. 2001, Stewart 1997 and 2001, Toffler 1990 and World Bank 1998). Knowledge can be defined as the understanding of a concept gained by education, experience or even by mere observation. To acquire knowledge means processing of information with the help of learning, communication, perception, reasoning and linking. It is the theoretical or practical understanding of information and facts which is obtained by correctly processing the raw data. Here arises the need to understand the difference between data, information and knowledge. Data is the collection of certain facts or values about a particular concept. Information is the processing done on data using relevant theory. The organization of data is nothing but information. The extraction of information on the basis of proper understanding is Knowledge. This can be further explained by considering an example of solving a quadratic equation. The variables are in the form of information, a value of the variable is data and the operation we carry out with them for calculating the answer is our knowledge. The following figure shows the DIKW (Data Information Knowledge Wisdom) hierarchy as stated by Clark, 2004. Figure 1: The DIKW hierarchy (Clark, 2004) Knowledge is generally personal, subjective and inherently local it is found â€Å"within the heads of employees† ( 2004) 3.1.2 Classification of Knowledge: Knowledge can be classified as: 1. Tacit Knowledge This type of knowledge is hard to formulate and communicate because it is gained by experience. Tacit knowledge is personnel and context specific. People carry tacit knowledge in their brain, thus it is not easy to share it. There is no systematic approach to store tacit knowledge as people are many times unaware of their tacit knowledge. However it is the most valuable form of knowledge as it is can be acquired only by experience and is not easily found written anywhere. 2. Explicit Knowledge Explicit knowledge is transmittable into a formal systematic language with the help of tacit knowledge. Thus, the codification of ones tacit knowledge results into explicit knowledge. Explicit knowledge can be in the form of books, manuals, notes, documents etc. The definition of some phenomenon is the explicit part whereas the practical understanding behind the phenomenon is tacit. 3. Embedded Knowledge The knowledge contained in some kind of physical form is known as embedded knowledge. For example the design of an artefact gives us the basic idea of where it can be used. 3.1.3 Knowledge Management. Knowledge management is defined as the process of getting the right information to the right people at the right time, and helping people create knowledge and share and act upon information in ways that will measurably improve the performance of organization and its partners. This means providing access to information at the time people need it to make the best decisions possible for mission safety and success. According to Wally Block of The Intranet Journal, the following points make up the generalized term: Knowledge Management. Knowledge management is the way that organizations create, capture and reuse knowledge to achieve organizational objectives. Knowledge management can also be defined as a process with four parts that comprise a loop. Knowledge is created. This happens in the heads of people. Knowledge is captured. It is put on paper in a report, entered into a computer system of some kind or simply remembered. Knowledge is classified and modified. The classification can be the addition of keywords; it may be indexing. Modification can add context, background or other things that make it easier to reuse later. The test of this steps success is to determine how easily people in the organization will be able to find and use the knowledge when they need it. Knowledge is shared. When knowledge is shared and used, its modified by the folks who use it. This takes us back to knowledge creation. The process of organizing knowledge in order to get a sustainable development can be termed as Knowledge management. It consists of identification, representation, distribution, application and utilization of available knowledge to get improved performance. Knowledge Management in a company is carried out by systematically organizing the intellectual capital to achieve its business goals. The intellectual capital means the companys intangible assets which increase its valuation. 3.2. Knowledge Creation: According to Nonaka â€Å"the key to knowledge creation lies in the mobilization and conversion of tacit knowledge†. The process of Knowledge creation is done my transformation of tacit and explicit forms thus giving rise to four forms of transformations. This can be further explained with the help of the following diagram: Fig: Nonakas Spiral model. Source: Nonaka, I.   (1991)   The knowledge creating company. Harvard Business Review, 69, (Nov-Dec) Tacit to Tacit: Socialization Team meetings are held to share the experiences of the team members. This provides everyone to share their ideas and also solution of similar problem in the past can be used. Tacit to Explicit: Externalization This can be done by having question answer sessions. Here the senior employees are capable of solving the queries of their juniors. Explicit to Explicit: Combination Sharing of documents is the best example of this type of transformation. The case studies, notes etc can be exchanged in order to have a faster creation of knowledge. Explicit to Tacit: Internalization Internalization can be done by reading and understanding documents prepared by others. Extracting knowledge from an e-mail received from a colleague is the best example of this. 3.3 Knowledge Capture 3.4 Knowledge Sharing The World Bark (1998) identifies and discusses the most important decisions that an organization must make in establishing its knowledge management program. These are: Deciding with whom to share; deciding what to share; deciding how to share; and deciding to share. 3.5 Learning Organization: A Learning Organization is one in which people at all levels, individually and collectively, are continually increasing their capacity to produce results they really care about. The learning organization focuses on enhancing its systems (including people) to continually increase the organizations capacity for performance. The concept of learning organization can be better understood by considering the following points: Development An organization learns many important aspects of business, skills and technology during the process of learning. For an organization to grow in a competitive world, it is very important to never let the learning process end. 3.5.2 Levels of learning: Aligning learning with corporate priorities Designing learning for maximum impact Using e-business technologies to enable formal and informal interactions Obtaining recognition by the entire organization that learning is a critical enabler to success Community of Practice Ardichvili, Page and Wentling (2003) study community of practice at Caterpillar Inc and find that when employees view knowledge as a public good belonging to the whole organization, it flows easily. However, even when individuals give the highest priority to the interest of the organization and of their community, they tend to shy away from contributing knowledge out of fear of criticism or misleading the community members. Trust increases knowledge sharing. Essex (2000) discusses a study titled .Beyond knowledge Management: New ways to Work and Learn undertaken by the Conference Board in New York in early 2000. It says that management support and corporate culture, not technology, drive successful KM projects. CHANGE what draws people to share varies from organization to organization and matches the core values and other processes. Alignment with the current culture and a practical purpose to share is, specifically, what draws people most strongly to share knowledge. (Blue The concept of a community of practice (often abbreviated as CoP) refers to the process of social learning that occurs when people who have a common interest in some subject or problem collaborate over an extended period to share ideas, find solutions, and build innovations Communities of Action Communities of Circumstance Communities of Interest Communities of Position Communities of Purpose (Source: Shin and Bickel (2008) in Chris Kimble and Paul Hildreth (2008). Communities of Practice: Creating Learning Environments for Educators. Information Age Publishing) Obstacles Performance Management NECESSITY OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT A systematic capture, transfer, and use of internal and external know-how are a vital part of any business strategy. With no common processes for sharing information among employees, partners, and customers, limited information exchange will occur among suppliers and the engineering, manufacturing, and service functions. Consequently, the organization will experience ineffective design reuse, and product launch mistakes will be repeated. If there is no company standard expertise locator or people finder, then the inability to locate subject matter experts will result in lost opportunities, lost time, and being incapable of applying the right resources to significant problems. And with too many different systems, proposals, and pricing sheets, sales representatives cannot have access to information they need when they need it. This can prolong the sales cycle and lead to less-than-best sales solutions offered to the client With retirement and turnover, knowledge is walking out the door everyday. New hires do not have the benefit of past experiences and lessons learned, yet their time-to-competence needs to be compressed. Mergers and acquisitions result in two bodies of knowledge and expertise and two cultures that must assimilate quickly. Portals and e-business are drivers of knowledge management. People want information they can use and trust from a single point of access. Also, an often neglected point is that customers want access to your knowledge and to their business transactions with you. Another driving factor is e-learning. Firms now must know where and how knowledge is really being created and acquired. Knowledge management can set the framework for how learning fits into the overall picture of developing employees and making them productive. The key component of a good knowledge management system is the content itself. If the knowledge management system does not provide users with timely, accurate information, inform them of best practices, and link them to expertise, organizations will not realize the full value of their investment in the system. One of the key steps in the strategic design of knowledge management systems is identifying the information already in use within an organization.   Although, in theory, an effective knowledge management system is a central database of data, information, and knowledge contained within the organization, the act of actually creating, maintaining, and using such a central repository is a challenge in practical terms. One of the many benefits of knowledge management is the learning that occurs when a user takes a piece of information from one place, personally transforms it, and creates something new. Although the designers and developers of the knowledge management system can facilitate this type of learning by encouraging those who have the knowledge to capture it, and by designing a system that links end users to information that they might find helpful, neither the designers nor the developers could have planned or predicted such this particular act of learning. It happened informally, without the guidance of an instructor and without the suggestion of a designer.† (Carliner, section 1) Knowledge Management takes advantage of a companys information experience and expertise to serve customers better and respond quickly to changing marketing conditions. Successful companies build a corporate environment that fosters a desire for knowledge among their employees and that ensures its continual application, distribution and creation.   Less successful companies tend to take a top down approach: pushing knowledge to where it is needed.   Besides creating an environment that encourages knowledge pull, successful companies excel in applying, distributing, and creating knowledge.   (Hauschild, 2001) Companies link all their information together and build models that improve processes, product and customer relations.   Such companies understand that true knowledge management requires them to develop ways of making workers aware of those links and goes beyond infrastructure to touch almost every aspect of business. COMPONENTS OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM â€Å"The key component of a good knowledge management system is the content itself. If the knowledge management system does not provide users with timely, accurate information, inform them of best practices, and link them to expertise, organizations will not realize the full value of their investment in the system. One of the key steps in the strategic design of knowledge management systems is identifying the information already in use within an organization.   Although, in theory, an effective knowledge management system is a central database of data, information, and knowledge contained within the organization, the act of actually creating, maintaining, and using such a central repository is a challenge in practical terms. One of the many benefits of knowledge management is the learning that occurs when a user takes a piece of information from one place, personally transforms it, and creates something new. Although the designers and developers of the knowledge management system can facilitate this type of learning by encouraging those who have the knowledge to capture it, and by designing a system that links end users to information that they might find helpful, neither the designers nor the developers could have planned or predicted such this particular act of learning. It happened informally, without the guidance of an instructor and without the suggestion of a designer.† Knowledge Management takes advantage of a companys information experience and expertise to serve customers better and respond quickly to changing marketing conditions. Successful companies build a corporate environment that fosters a desire for knowledge among their employees and that ensures its continual application, distribution and creation.   Less successful companies tend to take a top down approach: pushing knowledge to where it is needed.   Besides creating an environment that encourages knowledge pull, successful companies excel in applying, distributing, and creating knowledge. Companies link all their information together and build models that improve processes, product and customer relations.   Such companies understand that true knowledge management requires them to develop ways of making workers aware of those links and goes beyond infrastructure to touch almost every aspect of business. ENTERPRISE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Enterprise knowledge management entails formally managing knowledge resources in order to facilitate access and reuse of knowledge, typically by using advanced information technology. KM is formal in that knowledge is classified and categorized according to a prespecified—but evolving—ontology into structured and semi structured data and knowledge bases. The overriding purpose of enterprise KM is to make knowledge accessible and reusable to the enterprise. Knowledge resources vary for particular industries and applications, but they generally include manuals, letters, summaries of responses to clients, news, customer information, competitor intelligence, and knowledge derived from work processes. A wide range of technologies are being used to implement KM systems: e-mail; databases and data warehouses; group support systems; browsers and search engines; intranets and internets; expert and knowledge-based systems; and intelligent agents. In artificial intelligence, knowledge bases are generated for consumption by so-called expert and knowledge-based systems, where computers use rule inference to answer user questions. Although knowledge acquisition for computer intervening is still important, most recent KM developments make knowledge available for direct human consumption or develop software that processes that knowledge. Historically, KM has been aimed at a single group—managers—through what has been generally referred to as an executive information system. An EIS contains a portfolio of tools such as drill-down access to databases, news source alerts, and other information— all aimed at supporting managerial decision making. More recently, however, KM systems are increasingly designed for entire organizations. If executives need access to information and knowledge, their employees are also likely to have an interest in and need for that information. In addition, KM technology is ideally suited for non management groups—such as customer support, where customer service requests and their solutions can be codified and entered into a database available to all customer service representatives. IMPLEMENTING KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT As organizations store an increasing amount of information and knowledge in data and knowledge warehouses and in data and knowledge bases, they are attempting to manage that knowledge in more efficient ways. Historically, organizational knowledge has been stored on paper and in peoples minds. Unfortunately, paper has limited accessibility and is difficult to update. And when people leave, they take most of their knowledge with them, so reuse is not always feasible. Thus, firms have moved to data and knowledge warehouses and to data and knowledge bases to improve accessibility, updatability, and achievability of data and knowledge. Data warehouses In many companies, one of the first KM tools is a data warehouse. A data warehouse acts as a central storage area—a warehouse—for an organizations transaction data. Data warehouses differ from traditional transaction databases in that they are designed to support decision making rather than simply efficiently capturing transaction data. Typically, data warehouses contain multiple years of transaction databases stored in the same database. Data warehouses are not updated on a transaction-by-transaction basis. Instead, the entire database is updated periodically. The size of data warehouses can be substantial. A leading bank in US has a 560-Gbyte data warehouse, for example, and MasterCard On-Line is a 1.2- Tbyte database available to member companies for a fee. With all the data accessible in one place, relationships between data elements can be more effectively explored. Users can browse the data or establish queries, though this type of analysis generally results only in knowledge for particular individuals. An alternative approach is to use a process called knowledge discovery to determine whether there is additional knowledge hidden in the data. Knowledge warehouses Rather than the kind of quantitative data typical of data warehouses, knowledge warehouses are aimed more at qualitative data. KM systems generate knowledge from a wide range of databases including Lotus Notes databases, data warehouses, work processes, news articles, external databases, Web pages (both internal and external), and people. Thus, knowledge warehouses are likely to be virtual warehouses where the knowledge is dispersed across a number of servers. In some cases, a Web browser can be used as an interface to a relational database. For example, Ford Research and Development uses a browsable Oracle database. The database contains manuals and design rules, specifications, and requirements. A

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Mencius :: essays research papers

Mencius believes that it is our nature and mind that determine what we are. It is our fate that governs our fortunes and determines our lease on life. Fate was originally a patent to a fief-holder, given by the Son of Heaven as Heaven's deputy to a feudatory. In extended usage it became our lot in life - the fate ordained by heaven. While people guard their minds and determine their conduct, they cannot determine their fate, which is in Heaven's hands. So, Mencius believed that though all humans are innately good, the realization of that good comes with self-cultivation and self-knowledge. Hsun-tzu could not accept Mencius idealistic view of human nature, nor did he believe that Heaven was the sole arbiter of human behavior. He believed that the importance of humankind in the universe is equal to but different from the importance of Heaven and Earth: "Heaven has its seasons, Earth has its riches and man has his culture. This is what is meant by the Trinity." Humanity's fun ction is to utilize the resources of Heaven and Earth to create its own culture. This can be done through the strength acquired from social organization. However, because the social organization needs to be regulated, lest it break down, and because "desires are many, but things are few", Hsun-tzu taught that people need to be restricted and guided by rules and morality. In my view of these two philosophers, I feel that Mencius' views are much more common in most religious traditions today. Mencius beliefs are a lot like Christianity, which is the religion that I am most familiar with. He believes that Heaven is a moral force whose mandate is to be respected and followed by human beings. We follow Heaven's mandate by knowing and nourishing our human nature.

Monday, November 11, 2019

La Civilisation Ma Mere

Driss Chraibi was bon in El Jadida (formerly Mazagan, French Morocco), a town near Casablanca. His father was a tea merchant, who perceived Western education as a means to modern Morocco. Chraibi attended Koranic school as a young boy. When the family moved to Casablanca, Chraibi continued his studies at the French Lycee. At age of nineteen he went to France planning study chemical engineering and neuropsychiatry. After abandoning his studies, he traveled throughout Europe and Israel. Chraibi settled in France with his first wife and children, and eventually devoted himself in 1952 to literature and journalism. In 1954 Chraibi began writing for the National Radio and Television Broadcasting System. In 1978 he married Sheena McCalliion. From his first marriage he had five children. Chaibi taught in Canada for a year after his second divorce but returned then to France. Chraibi's works have been translated into English, Arabic, Italian, German, and Russian. Chraibi remained in France until his death. He died on April 2, 2007, in the village of Crest, where he had lived since the mid-1980s. His body was brought back to Morocco and buried in in the Cimetiere des Chouhada in Casablanca. As a novelist Chraibi made his debut with Le Passe simple (The Simple Past), which was published in 1954, two years before Morocco gained its independence. The book arose much controversy because of the inflammable political situation in the North Africa. Chraibi was criticized as a traitor to the Arab world and French conservatives saw that the book revealed the reason for French presence in Morocco. The protagonist in the novel is a young man, Driss, who revolts against his tyrannical Moslem father. The father banishes Driss from the home and Driss begins his wandering on the streets. Finally he returns to home only to find that his mother has committed suicide in his absence. The novel ends with Driss's departure for France. Driss is an outsider in his own country, oppressed by his family and the feudal, religious traditions. Chraibi was so disturbed by critics, that he publicly rejected the novel in 1957, but later regretted his action. The book was banned in Morocco until 1977. Chraibi's next novel, Les Boucs (1955, The Butts), was set among the Arab immigrants living in poverty in France. One of the characters was based apparently on Francois Mauriac; the narrator is an Algerian writer, whose hopes to find understanding among his countrymen is hindered by their illiteracy. The book was ahead of its time – Chraibi was the first North African writer to examine the issue of migrant workers, before the subject became an issue of widespread debate. L'ane (1956) was a tragic story of a rural barber, Moussa, who finds his prophetic mission and death in changing Morocco. Succession ouverte (1962) continued the story of Ferdi Driss, who returns to Morocco for his father's funeral. Driss has spent sixteen years in France, but now re-establishes his relations with his mother and brothers. Gradually Driss realizes how old family values have given way to the ideas of the West. â€Å"Remember, Driss? Would any of us have dared to start dinner before he got back, whether it was after midnight or dawn? You remember, don't you? â€Å"< Un ami viedra vous voir (1967) was set in the modern bourgeois Paris. La civilization, ma mere (1972) was about the self-realization of a housewife in Morocco shortly before and during World War II. The protagonist is a cloistered Arab mother, who becomes a symbol of Third World liberation. Arab feminists have acknowledged Chraibi ‘s sympathetic portraits of women with respect.

Friday, November 8, 2019

This Holiday Season, Thank a Trucker! 

This Holiday Season, Thank a Trucker!   As you sit down to enjoy some much-deserved time off this holiday season, remember there are a few industries, like trucking, that never take a break. While you’re with your family and friends, there’s a whole fleet of long-haul drivers who won’t get the chance to be home for the holidays. Here are three things not to forget:Santa Didn’t Deliver Your Gifts- a Trucker DidIt’s easy to forget where our goods come from and how they get to us. But almost anything you’ve ever bought- food, clothes, toys, electronics- were probably trucked in to your local stores. We’d have very little if it weren’t for truckers.Truckers Can Be Highway AngelsTruckers know how to survive on the road, and they are often seen helping others reach their destinations safely. Whether that means helping to change a tire or pulling off a roadside rescue, truckers frequently put others’ safety first.Truckers  Make Our Lives EasierWe wouldn’t sur vive a minute driving long-hauls, showering in rest stops, and spending so little time at home with our families. It’s not a job for everyone. And while some do truly enjoy being on the road, it’s still a sacrifice they make to keep our economy flowing.This holiday season, be sure to raise a glass to all the men and women who spend their time driving our groceries and gifts around.3 Reasons to Thank a Trucker

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

spectrophotometery essays

spectrophotometery essays The purpose of this lab experiment is to understand the uses of spectrophotometry. This experiment concentrates on the uses of the spectrophotometer, and using this instrument to specifically determine the absorption spectrum of a cobalt chloride solution, a galactose solution, and to determine an unknown concentration of a galactose solution. Modern biologists frequently use the measurement of light absorption to determine concentration of chemicals. The technique is called spectrophotometry. However, why is light absorbed? Light may be simply scattered by particles, but this is extremely important to the measurement of truly absorbed light. Light is the part of electromagnetic radiation to which the human eye is sensitive. Light is energy, and when absorbed by a chemical it results in a change in energy levels of the chemical. The energy of light depends on its wavelengths. Longer wavelengths, such as infrared, have less energy than shorter wavelengths, such as ultraviolet. A molecule will absorb light energy when a wavelength exactly matches the energy difference between two energy states of the molecule. A spectrophotometer makes use of the transmission of light through a specific solution to determine the concentration of a solute within a solution. It is based on a simple design of passing light of a known wavelength through a sample and measuring the amount of light energy that is transmitted. The design of a single beam spectrophotometer involves a light source, a prism, a sample holder, and a photocell. Connected to each are the appropriate electrical or mechanical to control the illuminating intensity, the wavelengths, and for conversion of energy received to readable data that can be recorded, which is known as a voltage fluctuation. This voltage fluctuation is displayed digitally and recorded for further analysis. The whole idea of spectrophotometery determining the concentration of a compound is ba...

Monday, November 4, 2019

I need a reaction peper for an environmental science class of one page Essay

I need a reaction peper for an environmental science class of one page - Essay Example The study of Dr. Hayes on the effects of Atrazine in frogs is a corollary on an accurate prediction of what could happen on humans. He takes on an almost renegade approach as he goes against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and drug companies for the banning of Atrazine. This herbicide which is used for 80 million lbs. a year in the United States, as he has illustrated, was already banned in many other countries. The primary findings that he proposes are the effects of Atrazine on frogs in different ecological areas including creating controlled groups. He concluded that the frogs exposed have increase in hormonal imbalance and chemically castrating frogs same as how other chemicals cause tumors in rats. Male frogs are actually growing eggs in their testes and they are taking a longer time to metamorphose. This is significant because this can also happen to humans as we drink the very same water exposed to Atrazine. It is undeniable that these same effects already exist in o ur system and this has a generational effect. I ardently believe that in the largeer scale of things, â€Å"it is better to err on the side of caution.† To the end of his talk, Prof. Hayes insisted that it is still the people who now have the power to stop this and in this case time is of the essence.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Whole Foods are Cause Related and not Strategic Philanthropy Case Study

Whole Foods are Cause Related and not Strategic Philanthropy - Case Study Example The company also started selling its own private labels that included its everyday value, whole Market, and whole kitchen that helped their customers to cut their budget (Ferrell 526). The company puts into consideration all their stakeholder's health and well-being. Its mission statement emphasizes the need for them providing the highest quality natural and organic products. It believes that satisfying their customers and employees creates wealth for shareholders. It allows free sampling to their customer that enables the customers to try their products. The employees treat their customers as the part of their families, and this attracts them. The company also uses social media to strengthen their relationship with their clients. After the company had made some mistakes, it resolved to rectify by hiring Health Eating Specialists who began posting information on its website to educate consumers on healthy eating habits. The company also allows the employees to form unions if they wis h to have one (Ferrell 527). The laws require all companies to provide quality foods to their customers, whole foods ensures that it gives their customers high-quality products. The company labels those foods that are genetically modified though this is not required by law, and this indicates their commitment to their customer health; in turn, this has led to the company gaining the trust of their clients. By providing high-quality products, the company attracts more customers, and this leads to its growth. The company pays better wages and working conditions for their workers, which ensures high performance (Ferrell 529). The decision to investing in solar installation is ethical since it allows the company to reduce its environmental impact. Solar energy installation prevents 1650 tons of carbon dioxide from being emitted into the atmosphere. Solar is a renewable source of energy, and this ensures that there is a clean supply of energy all the time (Ferrell 532).