Monday, September 30, 2019

Killing God in Code Geass

Observing Code Seas from a straightforward viewpoint will reveal what it Is generally perceived as. This show is highly rated In Japan, Just as It Is to anima viewers In other countries. Due to Its nature, a Japanese enamel, Code Seas contains plenty of fictional elements and comical scenarios. These can consist of Nightmare frames (palatable fighting robots for combat), superpowers, flying super-fortresses, or high school students who simplemindedly raise a personal rebellion force in Just a few weeks, or build an antimatter bomb in a lab located underneath a school.Despite the far-fetched fiction, each of these examples helps make Code Seas the masterpiece that it Is. It tells a great story which cannot be easily forgotten. If one were to dig deeper into the story Code Seas tells, they may find many more hidden in between the lines. Code Seas subtly makes remarks about modern worldviews throughout the entire series, using simple dialog, names of characters, or certain events as a f oothold. These include racial discrimination, forms of government, and religion.While each of these worldviews is referenced, religion is undoubtedly the cost prominent. Religious allusions in Code Seas are not derived from one belief, but many. Situations In the show can at times reflect mythology, such as Norse and Irish, as well was present-day religions like Hinduism and Catholicism. All of these religious beliefs being tied-in to certain characters and events in Code Seas may suggest that â€Å"overcoming God†, or surpassing religion, may lead to a world peace. What is the power of seas?A â€Å"seas† (realistically known as a gees in Irish mythology) is a supernatural curse, or perhaps a gift depending on how it is used. In Irish looker, a gels Is typically given to a man by a woman who usually ends up being a goddess or noble figure. Essentially, a gels Is a supernatural contract. If left unbroken, it can lead to good fortune, but if that pact is broken, the pers on with the gees could undergo tragic events or even death. In Code Seas, the main character, Lech, receives his seas from a mysterious woman who calls herself CO or C. C, making a fake name out of her initials.When she encounters Lech, [SSL :II] he is in a desperate situation and doesn't really care about what the contract Is, so he agrees o It solely to get out of his current uncovers situation. The terms of the contract are not revealed until much later [SEE 1 5], but unlike a literal gels, the contract Is not life- threatening. Instead, CO wants Lech to end her life because she is practically immortal due to the fact that she has the Code*. When given his seas, Lech is informed that if he makes eye contact with someone, he can make them do anything he wants them to do.The catch Is, he can only use It once per person. Lech uses his seas later In the show to command gods. If a human can control the will of god, then surely the said â€Å"god† Isn't one. Lech takes control o f the gods while at the Sword of Shaky. In Hinduism, Shaky means tether, the place where gods dwell, much like a version of Mount Olympus. In the show, the Sword of Shaky is an ancient place which is meant to be used as a means to destroy the gods. The title of the event of â€Å"destroying all gods† is known in Code Seas as the â€Å"Raglan ¶k Connection. *The Code is the other supernatural power in the series (hence Code Seas) and It grants the owner Immortality and Immunity to any form of seas. By **The gods in the show are made out to be the collective unconsciousness of every unman, living or dead. If they are destroyed, every human that has existed would be mentally merged together as one mind. As a result, the world would become stagnant and without a future. In Norse Mythology, Raglan ¶k is a war between gods that results in the deaths of the gods themselves. After this war, the earth is then flooded with water and then repopulated.This does not only mirror the n ame of the event, but it also mirrors the genocidal goals of the Holy Britannica Empire*. They want to create a new, purely Britannica world, where Britannic is the highest and only power. This would require getting rid of any different intelligent being, which would include the gods as mentioned before. Charles Uzi Britannic, the current Emperor and Locust's father (making Lech also of royalty**), travels to the Sword of Shaky to activate the Raglan ¶k Connection and fulfill that goal of surpassing god.There, he runs into Lech who is there to rescue CO from him***. Charles explains that this way Britannic can finally be superior, while at the same time, world peace would be achieved due to everyone being forced to think alike one another. Lech ejects this and here commands the gods to destroy his father and the Sword of Shaky itself. Even with multiple events that draw dies to mythology and religion, Code Seas doesn't stop there. Characters also play a part in upholding the impli ed worldview of surpassing god. Naturally, all of these characters are of Britannica origin. In the Code Seas setting, Britannic is a dominating world power and the only territory left resisting is parts of Japan (named Area 11 by the Holy Britannica Empire). **Even though Lech is a Britannica Prince, he despises Britannic and is the leader of a Orca to bring it down. He wants the world to be peaceful for his younger sister, Annually. This is because his mother was killed due to a power struggle when he was of a young age. ***Charles Uzi Britannic has taken CO because she possesses a Code. Two Codes are required to activate the Sword of Shaky and he already has one of them.Charles killed V, another mysterious person who gave him his seas, and thus inherited the Code from him. (The seas that Charles has allows him to alter memories of anyone he makes eye contact with. ) Euphemism lie Britannic is one of Emperor Charles daughters. Unlike him, she is kind-hearted and open-minded to eve ryone around her. Most importantly, she treats everyone with respect, even if they are not Britannica*. Euphemism firmly believes that a â€Å"problem must be changed from within† and considers Britain's elitist monarchy a problem.She tries to change this by creating a Specially Administrated Zone, in which all people are treated equally, whether they are Britannica or Japanese [SSL :EYE]. Because of this, she is praised by the remaining Japanese. She and Lech (they are half-brother and half-sister) are discussing Japan's future, which Lech entirely supports, and decides to reveal his seas to her. When explaining his power to make anyone obey any request, he Jokingly tells her that he could make her kill all the Japanese if he wanted to.His seas activates on accident, and she sets out to do just that**. The end result of this mess is Lech gloomily killing her in order to save the remaining Japanese. Euphemism was described as a martyr by the Japanese for the rest of the show. This relates to SST. Euphemism the Martyr, originating from She was tortured and mocked many times for this belief, and was eventually killed cause of it. *Those living in Area 11 who are not Britannica are Japanese. Because they are minority in Code Seas, Britannic discriminates against them and racially refers to them as Elevens. *elf a seas is heavily used, it evolves into an uncontrollable seas that stays continually activated. That is one of the risks of using this power and it is proven when he mistakenly commands Euphemism to kill all the Japanese. Emperor Charles upholds the idea of killing god because throughout the series, he is presented as such. As mentioned before, he too has a seas. He can alter memories f anybody he makes eye contact with. Because of this, Charles has superior power naturally and supernaturally, making him practically untouchable by anyone.He demonstrates this godlike power when giving speeches and receiving unrelenting admiration and obedience from all of the lords, barons, and dukes that serves him. When at the Sword of Shaky, Lech commands the gods to destroy him and the Sword of Shaky, as mentioned before. Somebody managing to defeat Emperor Charles demonstrates the recurring theme of killing god. Another character that has godlike status is Schnitzel el Britannic. He is the son of Emperor Charles and is given the role of Commander of the Royal Army. He appears largely in the second season and heavily impedes Locust's goals.Prince Schnitzel commands the Damocles (a flying castle/warship) that is armed with FLEA antimatter warheads. He can completely erase any area on the surface of the Earth by merely saying he wants it gone. During an aerial battle Lech manages to break through the Damocles defenses and board it. There, he corners Schnitzel and commands him with his seas to serve the Black Knights*. This action is yet another instance of â€Å"dethroning god† that appears in Code Seas. After defeating/killing off th e highest members of the throne, Lech makes himself the Emperor of Britannic [SO:EYE].This also makes Lech himself a kind of god. As emperor, Lech manipulates Britannic as well as the Black Knights (the rebellion force that Lech created with the alter ego of Zero) to despise him. He orders the execution of the members of the Black Knights and the Britannica leaders for their â€Å"crimes,† causing an outrage. A public execution ceremony is held, and all citizens are forced to attend. Lech comes riding in on a military vehicle in all of his loyal â€Å"splendor† Just to make everyone there (Britannic and Japanese) have even more of the same mindset: anger solely directed at him.When Lech is about to give the final order of execution, Zero* sprints up Locust's vehicle and stabs him in the chest, killing him. The prisoners are released, and the show ends with everyone living in united peace, which was Locust's ultimate goal from the start. As of now, all the â€Å"godsâ €  that have appeared throughout the entire show have been killed, and the world is at peace. Due to the fact that the religious ties mentioned are not mentioned even once in the show, only implied, leads me to believe that Code Seas suggests overcoming religion can lead to a greater world peace. When Lech created the Black Knights, he rallied people together as a masked man in a cloak who called himself Zero. Obviously because he had a supernatural ability and was planning a that he was. As the Black Knights became increasingly active, their leader, Zero, was regarded as a terrorist among Britannic, but a hero for the Japanese. When Lech was emperor as mentioned above, none of the Britannic or Japanese knew that he was also Zero. Lech knew his death would now bring a world peace, so he had his best friend and Britannica honorary guard, Suzuki Surging, pose as Zero and kill him.

Notes on Egypt’s history Essay

EGYPT TODAY Egypt started 5,000 years ago, and lasted for over 3,000 years, longer than most other civilizations in the world’s history. It lies between Africa and the Middle East. This ancient country holds a history of over 6,000 years. The Pyramids, the Sphinx, the tomb of young King Tut are just a few pyramids built to bury thre rich and the royal.. The majority of the population in Egypt lives in an area along the Nile River called the Nile Valley and the Nile Delta. As a result, many places in this region are extremely crowded, with several thousand persons per square kilometer. Egypt’s civilians today are mostly Ancient Egyptians, Arabs, Turks, and other peoples are blended in their ancestry. About half of the population of the Nile Delta are fellahin (pronounced fel-uh-heen), or peasants–either small landowners or laborers–living on the produce of the land. The average family of fellahin has four or five children, who start working as soon as they are able to do so. Most fellahin, especially the women, spend their lives in drudgery. The areas to the west and the east of the Nile River–the Western and the Eastern Deserts–only contain small settlements of semi-nomads–the Bedouins (pronounced bed-oo-in). They live by herding goats, sheep, and camels, or by trading–mainly with mining and petroleum camps, or with fishing communities on the coast. The Bedouins families are about the same size as the fellahin families, except that many Bedouin husbands have from two to four wives. THE HISTORY OF EGYPT GENERAL Egyptian history begins around 3300 BC. This was when the Egyptians finally had enough symbols in their writing to record history. From 3100 BC inscriptions created a way for later Egyptians. It was also the time when the pharaoh, King Menes, created Egypt by uniting the two parts of Egypt, also known as Upper and Lower Egypt, into a single kingdom. A series of strong and able rulers established a well organized government. The Sun God Re was the most loved god-figure at the time. Over time, authority began to disappear and Egypt was controlled by foreign princes. THE NILE No other civilization in the time of the pharaohs could compete with Egypt’s magnificent buildings, its wealth, or its long centuries of peace. To a large extent, this is because other civilizations did not have Egypt’s main advantage — its great river. For tens of thousands of years the focal point of Egyptian life has been the River Nile. Egypt is correctly said to be the gift of the Nile and Egypt’s two most important areas are the Delta and the Nile Valley. The Nile Delta is the heartland of Egypt. The ancient Egyptians believed that the waters of the Nile came from a â€Å"mysterious heaven of plenty†. All of Egypt depended on the Nile for water, food, and transportation. THE PHARAOH Pharaoh simply means â€Å"the one who lives in the palace†. Egyptians addressed their pharaoh as though he were a god with several forms. They thought he was more than human and addressed him with the names of several gods. The pharaoh’s most godlike names were â€Å"son of Re† and â€Å"giver of life like Re†. The Egyptians believed that no single name could express the greatness of their ruler. They also believed by serving the gods, the king helped the sun to rise every morning and helped the Nile to flood at the end of each summer. They believed that in return for the offerings of food and water that only the pharaoh could make, the gods would feed the souls of the Egyptians after death. The pharaoh’s power was almighty and unquestioned. As a matter of fact, just touching the pharaoh’s crown or scepter, even accidentally, carried the death penalty. The pharaoh’s chief duty was to build and maintain temples to the gods. PYRAMIDS AND STRUCTURES The buildings of Egypt that were mainly built 5,000 years ago were the pyrimids. All of them were built to contain the tombs of pharaohs. In the 27th century BC, the first pyramid was built and pyramids became the most  popular way to bury royalty. They were the earliest buildings ever to be made by precisely cutting and putting together great blocks of stone. In stonework, Egypt led the world for more than 2,000 years. PICTURES AND WORDS Important Egyptians were wealthy enough to build magnificent tombs and furnish them richly with treasures, inscriptions, paintings, and statues. Egyptians did not paint images to show what people were really like, instead, a picture was a kind of diagram. To preserve the magical power of their art, the Egyptians believed they must copy exactly the style handed down through the ages. This meant that most artists painted in the same way, and the people they painted all looked the same. Tomb pictures were closely connected with Egypt’s famous picture writing, or hieroglyphs, invented about 5,000 years ago.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Automobile and Traditional Porsche Customer Essay

1/ Analyze the buyer decision process of a traditional Porsche customer. The buyer decision process of a traditional Porsche customer is different from the others like it have his own way because they don’t go through all the five stages like it`s normally done. They skip most of the process and jump right into the purchase decision. Porsche customers do not need recognition, information search and evaluation of alternatives. They make their purchase based on their wants, the brand and how the car is made. The cars unique and often dangerous characteristics and the brands appeal to a very narrow segment of financially successful people are some of the reasons Porsche’s customers are drawn into them. Porsche customers purchase their cars for pure enjoyment and they are not moved by the information but by feelings. 2/ Contrast the traditional Porsche customer decision process to the decision process for a Cayenne or a Panamera customer. Cayenne and Panamera customer’s decision process differs from the decision process of traditional Porsche customer because Cayenne and Panamera customers are more versed in their decision making as they go through almost all of the stages of the decision process. They recognize their need of having a larger vehicle that can seat more than two people. They are also interested and search for more information of the Cayenne and Panamera before their purchase decision. These customers are different as these particular customers have moved into different stages of life and need a larger vehicle to accommodate their needs but still have the drive as a Porsche since they still were fast just like their coupe counterparts. On the other hand, traditional Porsche customers skip most of the decision process and jumps right into the purchase decision. 4/ They develop a personal relationship with their cars, one that has more to do with the way the car sounds, vibrates, and feels, rather than the how many cup holders it has or how much cargo it can hold in the trunk. They admire their Porsche because it is a competent performance machine without being flashy or phony. People buy Porsches because they enjoy driving. If all they needed was something to get them from point A to point B, they could find something much less expensive. And while many Porsche owners are car enthusiasts, some of them are not. by making whatever they can to satisfy the costumers and provide it needs as possible as it can be. 5/ understanding Porsche buyers is still a difficult task. But a former CEO of Porsche summed it up this way: â€Å"If you really want to understand our customers, you have to understand the phrase, ‘If I were going to be a car, I’d be a Porsche. ’†

Friday, September 27, 2019

Patient Autonomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Patient Autonomy - Essay Example It is not mere desiring but evaluation and weighing of alternatives by a person and selection based on her priorities. There are many ways we can discuss patient's autonomy. Discussion on medical confidentially usually focus on tension between physician's responsibility to keep patients secret and a physician 's legal and moral duty, on occasion, to reveal such confidences to their parties, such as families, employer, public health authorities, or police authorities. Confidentially serves as dual purpose. Firstly, it acknowledges respect of patient's privacy. Patient's most personal physical and psychological secrets are kept confidential to decrease sense of shame and vulnerability. Secondly, it is important in improving healthcare. Promise of confidentially permits people to trust and thus patient are encouraged to communicate honestly and forth rightly with their doctors, which is most important for their treatment. According to Siegler (597) challenges to confidentially arise because of patient's personal interest in maintaing confidentially come into conflict with his personal interest in receiving best health care. Modern high technology health care is available principally in hospitals which require many trained and socialized workers. And thus in order to provide best health care patient's medical records need to reveal to these workers. Again these treatments are very costly and can be afforded by few patients only. So it becomes essential to grant access to patients medical records to persons who are responsible for obtaining third party payment like chart viewers, financial officers, insurances advisor and quality care assessors. Siegler suggests some possible solutions to confidentiality. Those are: 1. In all nonbureaucratic, noninstitutional counters care should be taken to guaranty safety and confidentiality of patient's records. 2. Access to patient's records should be provided to only "need to know" persons. At some point most of patients should be given opportunity to review their medical records and make choices about which records to make available to everyone. This can be done by dividing entire records in different sections like medical and financial section. So only health professionals have access to medical information. But again keeping all records different leads to complexity in analyzing patient's problems. Thus Author want to tell that principle of medical confidentiality described in medical codes of ethics no longer exists. And by devoting attention to determine aspects of confidentiality worth retaining, public and profession can be better served. Truth- telling Should patients know the truth Is a very difficulty question that confront physician. According to Collins (605) telling the whole truth is often to perpetrate a cruelty of which many are incapable. This is particularly true of physician and if not they soon learns that art of medicine consist largely in skillfully mixing falsehood, and truth in order to provide patient with an amalgam which will make the metal of life wear and keep men from being poor shrunken things, full of melancholy and indisposition, unpleasing to themselves and to those who love them. Based on experiences Collins (609) conclude that the patients do not want to know the truth about their maladies and that it is prejudicial to their well being to know it. No one can

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment Example It has a melancholic touch along with inspiration of moving on; in it. However, the author’s aim has been to depict how life moves on and requires the people to do the same. Sexiest discrimination within the same ethnicity, human needs as women, consequences of sex, forced sex turning into rape were the moving topics of it. Through which, Shange painted a true picture of life lived by black women and the treatment they receive from black male members of their own ethnicity. Their pains as diseases, attachment and detachment, all a play of emotions. Shange’s viewpoint was to highlight the sentimental dependence and enslavement of black women without identity and the true hidden colors of brightness in these women, which are often neglected. Shange through different colors portrayed different challenges faced by black women like love, sex, abortion, rape and moment of realization (un acceptance of giving up to the people and circumstances) and finally realizing the happin ess, within oneself when one confronts the feeling of disappointment. Thus, the experience of sharing challenges collectively shows the power of community and sisterhood. Shange’s aim was to show the universal truth about life and its relevance. On the other hand, Tyler Perry’s version lacked the true essence of the plot. It was viewed from a typical angle and directed in the similar manner. It has lacked the beauty of up heaving the audience; limited expression of actresses and enforced chunks of direction put together; was unable to justify the classical work of art. Alterations in the sequence of the poems and additions according to his melodramatic views, somehow managed to depict the opposing image of Shange’s approach of sensation intermingled with the beauty of acceptance. Although the rape scene did some justice to the play, as it showed the actress looking at the clock, which depicted the moments; one wants to speed away rather than freeze and make suff ering more long and unforgettable. Shange’s version had 6 women, nameless identified only through the colors of rainbow and the seventh of brown color; showed as a dark patch in a woman’s life. Blue lady struggled with the dilemma of abortion and red faced domestic violence. The ending however, enlightens the power of womanhood and sisterhood and showed the optimistic version of downfall lives of African American Women. On the other hand Perry’s version mainly showed the pessimistic side and the ending was horrific, which showed the drastic ending of all the eight black women. Through the use of 14 original poems from Shange’s version, he clipped most of them according to his own version, which wasn’t exactly ravishing and inspiring. The typical lines of Perry’s version said by Janet Jackson were, â€Å"I know I have issues with trust† (For colored girls, 2011). Tyler Perry’s describes his adaption of â€Å"for the colored gir ls†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.† As a picture of surrender which completely negated Shange’s idea of acceptance and call of recognition.   Whoopi Goldberg, Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Jurnee Smollett, Macy Gray, Phylicia Rashad, Kimberly Elise and Kerry Washington , were the leading black women, who depicted the ladies of Shange’s rainbow color women. However, these ladies were unable to do the justice with poetic

Research Problem Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research Problem Statement - Essay Example Dennis & Meola (2009) give an example of UK firms, which lose approximately 19 million dollars daily due to bad management. This is moderately attributable to the firm’s wastage of time due to their leader’s inefficiency. It is evident that the significant bits of organization include its management to great extents. For a business to address the needs of its employees, leaders, and consumers, it needs proper management. Therefore, it becomes extremely problematic for organizations to realize acceptable profits when they have such poor management. Most entities fail because their managers focus on increasing their sales and quality of their goods. Indeed such categories of headship do not care about the general organization of their institutions, hence increasing management problems. This makes them forget their roles in control and organizing, as well as the workers’ roles. The goals of many businesses entail increasing the outputs and lowering the expenses. A b alance of these two ideas of increment in output and expense reduction obviously qualifies for perfect management. Conversely, these are short-term benefits because the businesses success depends on the long-term benefits, which entail motivating the personnel, but most administrators ignore this. The motivation of employees helps in the creation of a functional business environment (Dennis & Meola, 2009). Evidently, this functional business is devoid of poor management and all the negativities associated with such leadership. The sub problems evident from the question above include Poor leadership Poor communication Poor organizational structure Organizational culture Decision-making Policies Possible Sub-problems Poor Leadership Hypothesis Leaders with good leadership skills will motivate the employees. If organizational leaders involve the workers in the management of the business, the business will perform highly Brief Description Effective management entails good leadership and proper communication. Poor leadership tendencies are the most noticeable management problems in businesses. According to Dennis & Meola (2009), some leaders in organizations are incompetent making organizations fail to realizing their goals because of their inability to foresee the business challenges (Dennis & Meola, 2009). Additionally, they fail to challenge the employees making the workers perform poorly. Poor leaders are usually inexperienced and cannot handle conflicts in an organization. As such, the inability to control conflicts by the leaders in a firm is a sign of poor management. In Poor Decision Making Hypothesis Proper decision making in an organization will increase the corporate efficiency Brief Description Another sub-problem, which is common in the corporate institutions, is the phenomenon of decision-making. Evidently, decision-making affects the operation of organizations to exemplary levels. When there is poor management running any organization, it is obvious that the consequent decisions will be inappropriate. An organization only achieves its goals and other ultimatums if the management makes proper decisions. It then becomes a chief problem when these decisions present challenges to the behavior of the human resources. Certain decisions, which the management of the organization makes, affect the organization because of the mentioned relationship. Therefore, an organization has trouble when relevant decision making departments fail to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Porters Model of National Competitive Advantage Essay - 14

Porters Model of National Competitive Advantage - Essay Example The paper tells that a number of studies conducted for the last ten years reveal that outsourcing of information technology permits the companies to decrease their high expenses and boost their productivity. Through information technology, the firms are in a position to enjoy the flexibility and as a result, enhancing the business performance. USA, China, UK, Japan, and Germany are all experiencing information technology outsourcing growth. IT outsourcing has been around for some time and is significantly affecting these countries’ and the world economy at large. However, it is true that outsourcing IT services offshore brings with it new risks and challenges. The Diamond Porter model is used in this study to determine the competitiveness of IT outsourcing in USA, China, Germany, Japan, and the UK. The model is used to examine the basic industries in the countries. Since Porter’s work was published, about 20 years ago, there has been a multitude of response to his work. Some research studies tallied with his work while others disagreed. However, from the studies, it is evident that some of Porter’s ideas hold while others do not apply in the today’s modern business settings. In his research, Oz applied Porter’s Diamond Model to monitor the competitive advantage of five industries in Turkey. His findings were tandem with Porter’s ideas. The Turkish customers were demanding and as a result forced the companies to upgrade to meet the demand of the consumers. The intense rivalry in the Turkish domestic market for clothing and glass pushed the companies to be in a position to compete favorably in the international markets. On the other hand, the non-competitive automobile companies in the Turkish market remained non-performers in the international markets.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Would there be Apple without Jobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Would there be Apple without Jobs - Essay Example has grown by leaps and bounds. Steve Jobs’ death earlier this year has raised apprehensions about the future of Apple Inc. Research Problem With the absence of man who has been termed as the single biggest factor in the success of Apple Inc, questions arise whether Tim Cook, the new CEO, will be able to lead the company and retain its dominant position. The other big doubt that emerges is whether Apple Inc. will continue to roll out innovative products as it did during Steve Jobs’ regimen. Research Design The study has used exploratory research to identify the apprehensions raised due to Steve Jobs’ death. Descriptive research has also been used in the study to gauge the likelihood of customers purchasing the Apple brand again. Research Methodology Both primary and secondary research has been used in the study. For primary research a self administered questionnaire was got filled from 100 respondents inside Apple Stores. Findings of the Study Steve Jobs had depar ted from the Apple on earlier ocassions also. Steve Jobs had certain bad qualities and thus was not the perfect manager. Steve Jobs had resigned in August 2011 and Tim Cook, as a part of Apple’s succession plan, has been the CEO since then. ... Apple Computer started manufacturing and selling computers with the launch of Apple II personal computer in 1977. In 1980, the company issued shares to the general public and was incorporated as a public company (By 1987). A year later, in 1981, IBM released its PC and Apple had its first real competitor. In 1985, Steve Jobs left Apple due to his non-compatibility with the then CEO John Sculley. Apple continued to dominate the desktop publishing market for many years after Steve Jobs departure. Under the stewardship of Sculley, Apple grew to an $8 billion company. By 1992, the company started feeling the heat of the competition and its earnings as well as margins started falling. Under pressure to introduce another breakthrough product, Sculley invested a lot of resources on Newton, Apple’s Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). Newton did not live up to the expectation and its sales did not really take off. Scully resigned in 1993 and Michael Spindler took charge as CEO. The latte r too did not last long as Apple incurred significant quarterly losses in 1996. The board appointed Dr Gil Amelio to replace Splinder. The move did not work well. Eventually Apple decided to purchase NeXT Computer, the company that Steve Jobs had formed after his departure from Apple Computers. The purchase of NeXT marked the return of Steve Jobs at Apple Computers and the beginning of a new era. What happened after Job’s homecoming is what the world admires and looks at with awe. Today Apple has become a 32 billion dollar company primarily due to the efforts and expertise of its co-founder, Steve Jobs (Finkle 2010). The iconic Steve Jobs passed away in October 2011. He was 56 and one of the greatest innovator, technical genius and marketing wizard of his time (Streuli

Monday, September 23, 2019

Dante Inferno (by Anthony Esolen) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dante Inferno (by Anthony Esolen) - Essay Example Hence, it is interesting to ask the question, â€Å"If Dante had written the Inferno today, who would he have placed as sinners in the different rings of hell?† Who would qualify, indeed? If there was anyone who epitomized lust, it is Hugh Hefner. As the founder of Playboy Magazine, Hefner bragged that â€Å"I have slept with thousands of women, and they all still like me† (Hylton, â€Å"What Ive Learned: Hugh Hefner†). Indeed, being someone who was able to—and at 83 years old still able to—get scores of famous and sexy women to pose nude for a magazine, to expose everything that they have kept hidden and to go to bed with him, with multiple partners at the same time, Hefner is someone who can be expected to appear in the second circle of hell—if it is made a reality. Hefner believes that â€Å"Sex is the driving force on the planet. We should embrace it, not see it as the enemy† (Hylton, â€Å"What Ive Learned: Hugh Hefner†). And he made people believe in this too, with Playboy being one, if not the, of the most popular magazines that caters to men’s sexual fantasies and fetishes. Not only has he lived the life of a lustful, but he has also encouraged others to follow suit. He even admitted the fact that he masturbates when he is alone, although, he says that this rarely ever happens (Hylton, â€Å"What Ive Learned: Hugh Hefner†). The fact that he admitted this even makes masturbation sound cool as it is coming from Hugh Hefner, who is idolized by a multitude of men. It can undeniably be said that Hefner is someone who is a slave to his desires and to carnal pleasure. Indeed, he is a â€Å"carnal malefactor† to the very core of his being. And thus, it is undoubtedly appropriate for him to be flogged by a violent storm, together with the rest of the lustful. â€Å"The infernal hurricane that never rests; Hurtles the spirits onward in its rapine; Whirling them round, and smiting,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Underlying Benefits of a College Degree Essay Example for Free

The Underlying Benefits of a College Degree Essay We can all recognize the obvious benefits of obtaining a college degree job opportunities and higher earning potential. But oftentimes we overlook or under appreciate the underlying benefits of earning a college degree. However, if you take a closer look at the hidden benefits, you will likely realize that earning a college degree is not completely about financial enrichment. Earning a degree could potentially boost your self-esteem, allow you to make healthier choices, and create a better quality of life for your children. You know the feeling you get when you finally reach your lifelong goal? Priceless, right? Thats exactly what earning a college degree can do for you. It gives you a sense of accomplishment and self confidence that everyone strives for. Not only that, but you have accomplished something that will always be yours and that you will always be able to fall back on in tough economic times. In addition to the boost of confidence, you will likely be able to make more healthy choices than you would without a degree. Generally, this is due to an increase in income which then leads to an overall greater access to healthy food options and health care. Plus, with higher education comes the desire and ability to make healthier choices such as whether or not to smoke. Finally, the greatest benefit of getting a degree is knowing that your children will have a better quality of life and may even follow in their parents footsteps and choose to further their education as well. Even if your children don’t wish to go to college, they will be more motivated to reach for their goals just as you have. In a sense, you have set the standards for them by achieving your dream of obtaining a college degree. You have given them an example to follow by setting a goal and achieving it. Although financial stability is one of the main reasons people choose to obtain a degree, there are many other benefits. You better yourself through boosted self-esteem and improved decision-making ability, which also enhances the lives of your children.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ruler Dropping Test to Measure Reaction Time

Ruler Dropping Test to Measure Reaction Time Problem statement It takes every person a little time to react to any event. For example, there is a small delay before you try to catch a ball moving towards you or trying to catch a falling glass from a certain height. This time is called your reaction time. There are many ways that you can measure your response time. Some of the methods are very easy (without calculation). One of the simplest and common methods of calculating response time is the ruler drop test. Most of the athletes use this methods to calculate their response time. In our engineering physics class we were asked to use this method to calculate our reaction time. For this assignment we were to be in small groups and measure everyones reaction time by getting 10 measurements from each student and determine who has the fastest reaction time. After taking the initial measurements we were also tasked to calculate the errors of those measurements. Coming up with a plan to asses this we encountered some major problems such as, How fast is our reaction time? With each measurement does our reaction time increase? Why we tend to catch the ruler in the middle rather than the beginning? How to improve our reaction time? After we have done this assignment we plan to solve each one of those questions while providing the answers to our assignment. What is reaction time? In this method one of the students drops the ruler, the student see it starts to move and nerve signal travels from his eye to his brain. The brain simulates the signal and sends it to his finger muscles which move to catch the ruler. The whole process takes between 150 and 220 milliseconds. The process of catching the dropped ruler begins with the eye watching the ruler expecting of it falling. After the ruler is dropped, the eye sends a message to the visual cortex (which simulates what we see), which perceives that the ruler has dropped and its falling. Then the visual cortex sends a message to the motor cortex (nerve stimulation) to start the process of catching the ruler. The motor cortex sends a message to the spinal cord, which sends a message to the muscle in the hand/fingers. The final process is the process that makes a muscle to become tighter of the muscles as the hand grasps the ruler. All of these processes involve individual neurons that transmit electrochemical messages to other neurons. How to proceed the test. What do we need? An accurate ruler. Two people(one to release the ruler and one to catch it) How to proceed. When we do this test one person has to hold the ruler and release that ruler at an unpredictable time. When the ruler start to fall (the test) the other person (test subject) has to pinch his fingers together catching it. This is his reaction to the falling ruler. The distance that we take (to measure) is the distance between the bottom of the ruler and the top of the thumb where the ruler has been caught. It is very unlikely that a student can stop the ruler at the same distance twice in a row. That means that we can get a more accurate measure of that students reaction time. We are conducting this experiment several times and take an average of our results. For this assignment we take 10 measurements from each student. How to calculate. To calculate ones reaction time we use the 3rd kinematic equation, 1 s= displacement. u= initial velocity. t=time taken. a=average acceleration. Proving, To prove the 1st equation, 2 We know that the first kinematic equation is, Applying this to the 2nd equation, How to use this to calculate reaction time Because the ruler is dropped down, Calculation To calculate the reaction time for each person we took 10 measurements from each person to get an accurate value. To get the most accurate value we calculated the mean of each person. Down below are the measurements we got. Every value is on cm scale. As proven above we are going to use two equations to calculate each ones reaction time and determine who has the fastest reaction time. 1 2 Looking at the results we found, we can see there are four people with a reaction time of 0.165s. This brings the idea of errors in this calculation and method.   What can be the errors in this measuring method? Thought processing speed is different in each individual. As I explained above when I was describing reaction time to catch the ruler the test subjects muscle has to work. Depending on the thought processing speed it varies. Because we are taking average metes of each person you can see all the averages are on the same range. That means even if one person went too far with the meters he can catch up with others with fast reaction time. Other thing is because the measuring system is analogue, people can make mistakes such as the person who is dropping the ruler is not consistent with his work (dropping the ruler). That can lead to errors. Conclusion Ruler dropping test can be the easiest way of measuring reaction time but it has its own pros and cons. This method requires very minimal amount of items to conduct the test. This method also not require a specialized pace to conduct the test and can be easily set up for the test. However there are few disadvantages as well such as this requires at least one assistant to support the test subject. Also because its simple it can be incorrect when it comes to the calculations as we can see above. In our given assignment we were to find a way to measure the reaction time using the ruler drop test. This leaves us with only one question, is it reliable to measure our reaction time with this method? REFERENCES [1]B. Mackenzie, Ruler Drop Test,, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 22- Mar- 2017]. [2]File:REACTION.DOC,, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 22- Mar- 2017].