Wednesday, May 6, 2020

American Identity And American Identity - 1350 Words

Ever since our ancestors began to migrate to this country, we have been in conflict with each other. Facing off against each other through slavery, the civil war, and even against the Harlem Renaissance. Although our country has gone through this turmoil and faced ethnic issues, our true identity shines through with our fight for freedom, the ability to create our own-and americas- path through american ingenuity even in times of great distress. Through the workings of Jackson Pollock, showing how not to conform, and through the Jazz evolution; the american identity has always shown its fight for freedom and independence the country contains. Ever since the Puritans landed on this continent, the american identity was established,†¦show more content†¦This split in the american identity severed many ties between the south and the north, but both sides fought for what they saw was the best path for America. So, even though the sides fought against each other, they were fighting for one collective idea: the right path for America. Nothing has been more important in American history than immigration. All americans came from a different descent, whether it was African, European, or Asian, every american is different. The mixing of culture and countries is what makes america uniquely great. Beginning with Christopher Columbus finding parts of the Caribbean, and ever since then many more explorers came to seek refuge in the vast continent of America. The melting pot that the immigrants created when they landed in America added to the american ingenuity. Many immigrants had to take jobs in coal mills, factories, and many other low collar jobs just to make a living . Many of these immigrants came from Ireland and Germany, facing famines and hard working conditions in Europe these immigrants saw a beacon of hope in America. Exhibiting perseverance, these immigrants illustrated great american identity by continuing to work hard and fight for their own path in american history. Although these immigrants struggles were great, nothing was greater than theShow MoreRelatedIdentity Of American Identity1101 Words   |  5 Pagesliberty, and the pursuit of happiness established over two centuries ago by the nation’s forebearers. Being American is about anticipating change and being provided with the environment to dream. Americans have dreamed of a more equal union, where Women obtain the right to vote and African Americans are social equals. The country’s images of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller inspire the American dream, where individuals are not satisfied with their socioeconomic standing and have the opportunityRead MoreThe American Of American Identity Essay1520 Words   |  7 Pagesa prosperous economy built on a free market system. 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